The Westerley have invited us to their Annual Dinner and Prize Presentation on Saturday 16 November 2013 at Stanmore Golf Club. If you would like to go please let Roly know by Tuesday morning. The tickets cost £30.00 – Crespoline Pancakes to start,  followed by either Poached Salmon, or Beef Bourguignon or Vegetable Wellington, followed by dessert.  Jim and Wendy will be going so if you would like to join them contact Roly

Weds, 18th December:  Xmas Social evening at the Clubroom:  RACE NIGHT, with Ian McNally kindly hosting again.  A great night, so don’t miss it!  (btw, Race night refers to horses (on video), not bicycles … and nor is it a KKK evening!).

Contact Roly of the Westerley if you want to attend any of the above: email:    rcollicott@chalpharm.com  or wendywearl@aol.com



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Old School Ivinghoe

The Old School in Ivinghoe is now a superb community run cafe (named ‘Curiousitea Rooms’ – coffees are also available).  Ivinghoe Village set up a campaign to save the building and now run it as a community asset, with responsibility transferred from Bucks CC (County Council, not another cycling club.. der)

It is highly recommended.

Extensive googling for over five minutes found that the school building, now home to the Curiousitea Rooms (you can like their Face on the Book) dates from 1856.  The building has a sign with a crown and a B motif, which probably denotes the Earl Brownlow:

These days, Ivinghoe is a lovely village within the Chiltern’s Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and during the nineteenth century the Earl Brownlow and his wife were benefactors in that the Countess Allford purpose built and bequeathed in perpetuity in 1856 the building of the Village School, this enticing the local village children from the ‘Straw Plait’ schools wherein they contributed plaited straw to the Hat Industry in Luton. The new village school became a ‘National School’, and formed part of the overall educational provision of Buckinghamshire County through to the late 1960’s. The County have managed the building since 1906, introducing an Environmental Study Centre as the ‘School’ moved to a new combined building with a neighbouring village, and this Environmental Study Centre flourished, combining with the local converted Brewery House Youth Hostel to open the eyes of many urban school children to the rural delights of the Chiltern Hills, Forests, Reservoir Bird Sanctuaries, Canal, Museums, Historical Houses and Mills.

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WCC Trophy List for 2013 part 2.

Here is the list for Time Trial, Audax, and othe tropies for 2013.

Men’s TT Champ. 25/50/100 miles..Stewart Birnie Ave. 26.246mph
Lady’s TT Champ..????
Vet’s TT Champ…????
Dunning Cup fastest 25tt…….Stuart Birnie 55:45
Alf Peyton Cup fastest 50tt….Stuart Birnie 1:53:38
Palmer Trophy fastest 100tt….Stuart Birnie 3:56:09
Erica Spring fastest lady 25tt..????
Nick Tidmarsh fastest man 10tt…Alexander Pierce
Junior (16-18 yrs)TT champion …????
Schools 10TT champ…Connor Woodford 26:10 (10/7/13)
HCp 25 Jim Revill Trophy…Nick McCullough 1:03:22
Novice 25 TT….??????
Tandem TT Champs…Jane Swane/Arabella Maude
Men’s Audax…Martin Lucas 113 points/Lady’s Audax Arabella Maude 33PT
Audax Tandem Jane Swain/Arabella Maude
Stayers Trophy…Stuart Birnie 24Hour 518.372 miles.
Moutain bike/Off Road…Richard Cooper
Contat Jim Mears JMearsWCC@aol.com if you can add to or make any changes to the trophy list.    THANK YOU..

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WCC Trophy List for 2013

Here is the list of 2013 trophy winners as I can figure out at this time. If anyone can show that someone else is elageble please contact me ASAP. To see if you may be elageble refer to the trophy list on the web site which will explain what is required to win. your contact is Jim Mears email: JMearsWCC@aol.com.

Men’s RR Champ….Richard Jerome-38 points
Lady’ RR Champ….Jayne Paine-30
Vet’S RR Champ…???
Junior RR Champ….Alexander Pierce-3 points
Schoolboy RR Champ.Kye Lewis-90 points
SchoolGirl RR ChampKirsten Savage-3 points

Men’s Track Champ…Roger Woodford
Lady’s Track Champ..Jayne Paine
Junior Track Champ..Alexander Pierce
Schoolgirl Track Champ..Kirsten Savage
Schoolboy Track Champ…Connor Woodford
Time trial, Audax, other trophies to continue on next post.

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Ride a Sportive, win a trophy

Your club has a special award for riding sportives.

If you would like to give a shiny award a good home for a year and have ridden at least one Sportive this year, you can apply. Email me, Ian Oliver, ianoli2010-audax at yahoo dot co dot uk, with a list of events you have completed since 1 November last year and a few words or pictures suitable for the blog and Jim Mears, our esteemed trophy secretary, and I will decide who to give it to.

No hard cut-off date, but please apply in the next few days, as Jim will have to sort out engraving in time for the club dinner in January. You have to be a current member of the club. if we reckon you’re untrustworthy we will ask you to provide proof that you have done the sportives, like copies of finishers’ certificates.

Posted in Audax, Sportives, Triathlon | Leave a comment


Please make a note in your diaries / calendar / iPhone etc:

WILLESDEN CYCLING CLUB AGM – SUNDAY 1st DECEMBER at 2.00 p.m. to be held at Minet Park Club House

CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY  – FRIDAY 20th DECEMBER to start at 6.00 p.m. at Minet Park Club House


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The Elite

Another world class club run, on and off road.IMG_0516

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 It’s this time of year again boys and girls

 The end of the WCC competition seasontrophy art 2

 Time to return the trophies you won in 2012

Trophy pop art

Jim Mears is looking forward to getting all the trophies back ASAP so they can be prepared for the new winners.

trophy art 3


Bring your trophies to the club at Minet Park on Fridays or contact Jim to make arrangements for their return.

Ring on 01494862372   /   Email JMearsWCC@aol.com

 They must be returned no later than the AGM – Sunday 1st December 2013

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REMINDER – Willesden Monthly Meeting being held in clubroom at Hillingdon Circuit at 8.00 p.m. this Friday, 1 November 2013, immediately after turbo training – why not stay and have your say.

Committee members who are unable to make this date, please send your reports to Ian Why or Wendy Mears.


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More Willesden Celebs

The Bike ShowWillesden CC’s Paul Stewart features on this podcast of “The Bike Show” called Going the Distance. The programme deals with how riders can start training for long distance Audax events such as the PBP and the LEL. Paul talks about the success of this year’s “Ditchling Devil”, which saw many riders tackle their very first 100+ mile event.

The programme is just under 41 minutes long and can be heard here.

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Featuring Willesden Riders

Damon Peacock is widely known with Audax UK for his hard work in producing a range of films about Audax riders and riding. In this short piece Damon draws comparisons between long distance events such as the LEL and PBP with the UK National 24 hour time trial. As a result we get to briefly see WCC riders Stuart “Hippy” Birnie, Jane Swain and Arabella Maude setting their respective records on the 24 hour event held earlier this year.

Posted in Audax, PBP, Time trials, Tricycle, Video | Leave a comment

Tricycle Association Presentation to Jane Swain

Jane Swain - PresentationAt the weekend Jane Swain attended the Tricycle Association National dinner and prize presentation.  She won 3 first handicap awards for National 50 and the East 25 and 100. The trophy pictured is for the fastest ladies ride over 25 miles this year.

Bigger things planned for next year. Jane pictured with Barry Charlton who is the Trike competition record holder at 10, 25 30, 50 miles and 12 hours.

Mark Brooking – Officer of all things Tricycle 


Posted in Time trials, Tricycle | 1 Comment

Cycle Jumble Sat 09 November

Cycle Jumble 9 Nov

Cycle Jumble 9 Nov





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Willesden Cycling Club are looking for a new Social Secretary

We need someone or some persons with enthusiasm, imagination, and a sense of  fun to revitalise our social calendar and to organize the club dinner in 2015.  Elections for club officers takes place at the AGM in December.  This is a very sought after post so put your names in early.Picture10


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Brent and Kilburn Times – 24 Oct 2013

Bent Kilbirn Times 2013 10 24

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Reliability Trial – New Organiser Needed

After a few years of organising the annual Reliability Trial family commitments force me to hand over the reins to someone else.

It’s a good chance for someone to take on a well established and popular event and put something back into the club and the sport.  It’s not a difficult job, a ready supply of willing helpers from the club sees to  that. The rewards are great, especially if you get out onto the course to take photos of the riders (Smalldean Lane is best for this) where those who can will call out their appreciation for your efforts.

If you’re interested you can mail me at squadra dot verde at gmail dot com and I’ll tell you in more detail what’s involved.

Posted in Reliability | 2 Comments

This week’s Brent and Kilburn Times

Several of our riders get a mention in this weeks Brent and Kilburn Times ( Electronic edition available here).

Brent-Kilburn times 2013-10-17

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Hill Climb Result Oct 13th

The weather was back to torment the riders again for Sunday’s last event of the Time trial season. 3 Willesden riders braved the conditions and of those, 2 riders Tom Zittel and Stuart Birnie claimed overall joint 2nd places with a lung busting time of 2mins 6 seconds.

Full report here – http://www.willesdencyclingclub.co.uk/about/time-trials/race-reports-2013-2/

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Jack Eason 200 Struggle ride. Competition to create a route

A route is needed for this new ride commemorating Jack, which will be run on the same day as the renamed 10 Thames Bridges and Kaf-to-Kaf and I will hopefully get expert help designing it and then running the event. There will be a competition for best route, or given that the winner’s prize will be less than life changing, maybe it will get crowd-sourced.

The ride will be on Sunday13th April 2014. It will start from Maidenhead and it needs to be at least 200km from start to finish. The route selection will be based on:
1 Quality of the route – are the roads mainly quiet and scenic?
2 Quality of the controls – are the stops decent?
3 Your explanation of why your route should be chosen.
The route submitted needs only to be roughly viable, i.e. close enough to 200km it can be tuned to meet the AUK rules

The prize will be a pair of plimsolls, free entry for two on any of the three Jack Eason rides in 2014 and an appropriate bottle of something.

Details and Rules

1. Entry is open to anybody
2. You should submit a route and a list of suggested controls for en-route pit stops and an explanation of why your route should be the chosen one. The judges’ attention span is quite short, by the way.
3. Suggesting Info controls is optional. A GPX trace of the route is preferred, but if that’s difficult a list of the main points the ride should go through will suffice.
4. The closing date is midnight 31sh October 2013. The result will be announced soon after and the plimsolls will be awarded on ride day.
5. Please email entries to ianoli2010-audax at yahoo dot co dot uk and include your name and contact details.
6. The start point should be assumed to be the Riverside Gardens, Maidenhead – same as the other rides.
7. Entries will be judged by me and Mr Why and our decision is final.
8. The organiser will make up other rules as he goes along, as necessary.

Background info.

The 110 ride is published and the route can be found at http://ridewithgps.com/routes/3191110. The control for it and the 62K ride is Dinton Pastures near Winnersh, but your route does not have to go there.
You cannot cycle through Windsor Great Park after dusk

Jack’s inspiring audaxing life is described here.

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Friday Night Turbo – Starting 25th October 2013

Turbo juiceThose with posh houses – look in the garage….

Those not in posh houses – look in the loft, or under the bed or behind the sofa… somewhere a dusty and forgotten Turbo will looking for some love. Its time has now come! Turbo Torture night will be starting at the Hillingdon circuit from Friday 25th October onwards.

Old hands will know the score, pay Ray Kelly £3.00 a week (£1.00 for Under 18’s) so he can have the pleasure of making your suffer for a full hour or more. New hands will soon be old hands.

Set-up/warm-up from 6:00 pm – The Turbo session will start at 6:30 pm for one hour.

Bring your own turbo, block for front wheel, towel, bidon and a mat to go under your turbo. If possible also remember to bring your sense of humour and a positive mental attitude, you’ll need those for the tea and biscuits afterwards.

There will be a limited number of Turbo’s available for those who do not have one.

Note: Racing on the circuit will continue as usual from 5:30pm, sign-on in the club room.

Either way “Death-Ray” Kelly is waiting for you…..


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