REMINDER – AGM – Sunday 3 December 2017

This year’s AGM will be held on Sunday 3 December 2017 at Ickenham Guide Hut, Community Close, Ickenham, UB10 8RE starting at 2.30 p.m.

The Willesden needs to be dragged into the 21st century so I am appealing to the younger members to come along to the meeting to put themselves forward for some of the vacant positions to help run the club as they would like it run.

The following positions are vacant:

Treasurer, Press Secretary, Membership Secretary, Time Trial Secretary, Trophy Secretary, Timekeeper, and Social Secretary.

Club Secretary will also become available as I will be standing down from this role at the AGM.

Wendy Mears.




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Trophies held by WCC members.

The following trophies are in the possession of the winners for the 2016 season. Please could you bring them to the AGM on December 3rd 2017 at the Ickenham Guide Hut,  Community Close, Ickenham, UB10 8RE . The meeting starts at 2:30 pm. If you can’t attend please arrange for their return by that date to Jim Mears on 01494 862 372 or

Men’s RR …Alex Pierce   (never returned after 2015 season)

Schoolgirl RR…Anastasia Vockic

Men’s track…Tom Zittel

Junior track…Connor Woodford

Schoolgirl track…Lucie Woodford

Erica Spring…Gill Reynolds

Tandem TT…Mark Brooking or Jane Moore

Audax Merit…Peter Turnbull

Audax tandem…Mark or Jane

Sash of Honour…John Wheatly

Hill climb…Tom Zittel

It is very important to get the trophies back so they can be engraved and passed onto the 2017 winners and for the new trophy secretary to look after.

Thank you,

Jim Mear



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Revised 2017 Trophy Winners List

After more searching and input from WCC members here is the (nearly) final list of trophy winners for 2017. If no new claims are made by the AGM on 3/12/17 then this list will be used for trophies and medals.  Send any info to:

Johnny Walker Senior RR…..Jake Hales  Spirit Tifosi

Dulcie Walker RR………………Danny Axford  Arctic Tacx RT

Men’s RR Champion………….Darryl Lusardi  46 points

Ladies RR Champion…………..Jayne Paine     49 points

Vets RR Champion……………..Jayne Paine

Junior RR Champion………….no winner found

Schoolboy RR Champion…….Frankie Snell 6 points

Schoolgirl RR Champion…… winner found

Men’s Track Champion……….Sam Grant

Ladies Track Champion………no winner

Junior Track Champion………no winner

Schoolgirl Track Champion…Lucie Woodford

Schoolboy Track Champion…James Foley

Ladies TT Champion………….Jane Moore , 10,25, 50 TT , average 18.99mph

Ladies fastest 10 miles TT …..Jayne Paine   23:45

Men’s TT Champion……………no winner found

Men’s fastest 10 mile TT ……..Tony Flynn 22:40

Men’s fastest 25 mile TT………Tony Flynn  58:22

Men’s 50 mile TT……………… winner found

Fastest 100 mile TT…………….Jane Moore  6:15:48  (Trike)

Vets TT ,10,25,50 mile TT……not decided, but could be Jane Moore,if she is a vet.

Junior TT Champion…………..James Foley   25 tt  1:21:23 and 29.5 tt  1:25:33

Schools/Junior 10 TT Champion….. Altay Shaw  30:11

Hcp 25 TT…………………………no winner found

Novice 25 TT………………………no winner found

Tandem TT……………………….no winner found

Men’s Audax Champion………Mel Kirkland  100 points

Ladies Audax Champion……Jane Moore 12 points

Audax Merit…………………… be chosen at AGM

Audax Tandem……………… winner found

Schools/Junior Audax…… winner found

Jack Eason International….Stewart Birnie:  Trans America and Trans contiental.

Stayers 12/24 hour TT……..Jane Moore  24 hr :310.34 miles   12hr : 183.655 miles

Sportive………………………….no winner found

Marshalling ……………………J. Davies, J. Wheatley , R. Crouch, R. Purdy , W. Mears and many more not named jointly deserve a mention, impossible to choose just one. All that can be done is to give a big thank you to everyone for  marshalling this year.

Champion Tout Terraine…Frankie Snell : 4th place at Black Park ,  well done.

Freewheel and Friathon to be held on the morning of the AGM.

If you can correct any of the above or can fill in the gaps please let me know ASAP.    PS. Please return trophies you have from last year, Thanks    Jim Mears

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Upcoming subs payments for 2018… fill in a quick online form and you won’t have to remember to pay them

To make your lives easier we are now using a direct debit system. This will save you remembering to pay your subs for 2018 and following years, as the money will simply be taken from your account on New Years Day. Cancelling is easy too!

Remember: NO MONEY WILL BE TAKEN until January next year!


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Entries open for the Willesden Reliability, Sunday 18th February

Online entries are now open for either a gentle 50Km ride or a definitely challenging 100Km and a bit ride, you can choose which you do on the day, both starting from Chalfont St Peter. Online entry is £8, on the day £10 – VyV and team’s excellent catering included, making it a smashing bargain.

Route improvements to the 100K take it off the A404 and and off the A40 at the end – but the hills are still there. Given what the lanes can be like in mid February there are no steep descents on any of them. The route will be signed, but this time not with the Willesden jungle green.

There is more info here.

Enter online

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Jayne Paine has been busy on the track and although she did the slowest pursuit she has ever done it was, however, good enough for GOLD.  Jayne also picked up SILVERS in the 500m TT and the Points race.  She did the Team Sprint but she said “the least said about that the better”.

Jayne couldn’t stay for the Scratch Race and she didn’t get up early enough for the Sprints, but she had a great weekend at the new indoor velodrome at Derby.

She is now “Now Knackered” – Jayne’s own words.

Well done Jayne, you are amazing!

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There are a number of vacancies in The Willesden.

We need to be dragged into the 21st century so I am appealing to the younger members to come forward and help run the club as they would like it run.  Our Rules and Handbook needs to be updated.  The following officers are becoming vacant: 


Press Secretary 

Membership Secretary

Time Trial Secretary

Trophy Secretary


Social Secretary

The Annual Dinner and Awards Ceremony falls under the umbrella of the social secretary; however, this position has been vacant for a couple of years now and it looks as though this annual event will not happen in 2018 unless someone comes forward to organise it.

I also intend to step down from Secretary at the AGM so that position will become vacant . 

Please come to the AGM on Sunday 3 December 2017 at Ickenham Guide Hut, Community Close, Ickenham, UB10 8RE starting at 2.30 pm and put yourself forward for one of these exciting opportunities in getting the Club reorganised and restructure.

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2017 Trophies

The 31st of October is the end of our season for winning trophies and medals.

Please contact Jim Mears your Trophy Secretary with results you have had such as track or road racing or audax points, time trial placings and times or any other cycling events  you have done, the more information the better.  Check out the trophy list on the blog under “About”, there is a trophy for everyone no matter how little you think you have done.

Send information to:,    subject   “WCC Trophy”.

For those of you who have trophies in their possession please return them to Jim no later than the AGM on Sunday, December 3rd or contact via email or call 01494 862 372 to make arrangements for return.


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Last weekend’s Audaxes

By Martin Lucas

The 13th edition of the Willesden CC organised Nyctophobic 100 km and Anfractuous 200 km audax events starting from Chalfont St Peter took place on 14th October. Good autumn weather had been requested and duly delivered for the events with over 90 riders enjoying the autumn colours and quiet roads. As usual on audax events there was good cross section of bikes from lightweight carbon frames to tourers and a few fixed wheel machines, plus a tandem and a fast looking recumbent.

The Nyctophobic route headed through Marlow then climbed to Christmas Common before descending to Watlington and the Waterside Cafe at Benson. After suitable refreshment the riders returned to Chalfont via Cookley Green, Marlow and Cookham. The longer Anfractuous route continued from Benson through the Berkshire downs to Wantage and Lambourn and returned via a fine selection of lanes to Pangbourne and Henley before joining the Nyctophobic route at Marlow.
On returning to Chalfont the riders were able to relax, chat and refuel in the hall. Hot food including home-made lentil & tomato soup, beans on toast as well as rice pudding, peaches and extra special bread pudding were available. Many thanks to Liam, Ian, Maria and Wendy & Jim who volunteered to help at the hall. It was great to have your assistance!
The next Willesden audax event is the Willy Warmer 200 km on 20th January 2018 from Chalfont St Peter. It is a great way to get some winter miles in and perhaps push the distance a little. Entries available on-line here:
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Willesden win Audax Organisers Trophy

The Willesden’s commitment to laying on great audax events has been recognised by Audax UK.  The Squadra Verde has won the Organisers’ Award for 2017 which goes to the club which is responsible for the most rider points. Simply put, more people rode further thanks to the Willesden last year than with any other club!

The award is based on the number of points earned by riders on events organised by a club.  A 200km ride – the minimum distance for this award – gives 2 points per rider, 3 points for a 300km ride and so on. Willesden has a regular program of 2, 3, 400km events from which it has accumulated 1,489 points over the season.  Second place was taken by Audax Club Mid Essex, with 1,475 points and BlackSheep CC, who organise a string of 200km events in Tewkesbury were third.

The news will come as no surprise to followers of the long distance scene.  For many years Willesden’s popular Willy Warmer 200km and 3Down 300km events which run in the Spring, and the Autumn Anfractuous events have attracted  strong fields. Members have added new events to the Audax Calendar such as the London Ditchling Devil 200km organised by Paul Stewart and a revitalised 7Across – now known as the London Wales London 400km – organised by Liam FitzPatrick. With a regular field of 350+ riders, the London Ditchling Devil is the largest Brevet Randonneur (200km+) event in the AUK Calendar, and with 150 riders already signed up for 2018, London Wales London has joined an elite group of Audax events with a waiting list!  Anne Mograby and Ian Oliver also run 50k and 100k Brevet Populaire  events from Maidenhead. These popular shorter events attract a steady flow of riders, many of who go on to ride longer events.

Audax riding is undergoing something of a renaissance and is appealing to a new generation of cyclists. In particular it is winning-over riders from sportives who are looking for a more sociable challenge.  The fact that events are run by volunteers who give up considerable time planning, marketing and organising rides adds to the appeal.

The Trophy will be presented at the AUK Annual Reunion in November and Willesden organiser Paul Stewart will be on hand to raise the cup for the Club.

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Accredited Marshal training

Patrick Kavanagh, who helped us recently at the Willesden promoted John & Dulcie Walker Road Races, has sent details of further free training courses for anyone who would like to become an Accredited Marshal.  There are no races in Central Region which take place without AMs now so racing relies on these volunteers.

Courses are available in February at Hillingdon, Milton Keynes Bowl, and Warmington on Sea (the latter most famous as the setting for Dad’s Army).

Join a course now.

Accredited Marshal training

The Central region has one of the most diverse race calendars in the UK and was the first region to use accredited marshals. British Cycling is leading the way with making road events safer for all road users to ensure road racing stays on the road and is safer for all.

The region is looking to recruit more Accredited Marshals to support the 2018 road season. Click below to learn more about the role, training requirements and upcoming training courses.

Learn more about Accredited Marshals

Training courses for Accredited Marshals are available at Milton Keynes Bowl on Saturday 10 February 2018, at Warmington on Saturday 17 February 2018 and Hillingdon on Sunday 25 February 2018.

Details about the Milton Keynes course

Details about the Hillingdon course

Details about the Warmington course

We hope these courses will be of interest and you will want to be involved as a British Cycling Accredited Marshal.  

Yours in sport,

Patrick Kavanagh 

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Club Runs Oct-Dec 2017

A new club runs list* is now published:  WCC-Club-Runs-OCT-DEC 2017

Terms and conditions apply*




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Hillingdon granted planning permission for 250m banked track

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The good news is that there is now planning permission for an open air 250m banked track within Hillingdon cycle racing circuit. Now the challenge is to seek the £1.25m to construct it.

Initially the support of British Cycling is needed from funds it influences coming from government sources such as UK Sport and the Lottery. Currently the detail of this funding is being assessed on behalf of British Cycling by outsourced consultants who will need convincing that it will be well used.

Accordingly, and with no commitment, it would be greatly appreciated if you would indicate on whether you are likely to use a velodrome at Hillingdon on the basis of:

  • Weekly ‘come and try’ casual training
  • Regular race league
  • Regular coaching
  • Occasional specialised coaching
  • Club coaching sessions
  • Any other ideas

Many thanks,

Stuart Benstead
Chairman, Hillingdon Cycle Circuit Users Group.

An early e-mail reply to would be appreciated. Please identify your club to give geographical credence.

If you would like to view the planning permission document have a look here.

Posted in Hillingdon Cycle Circuit, Track | 1 Comment

Combine hill climb 8-10-17

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Posted in Events, Hill climb, Time trials | Leave a comment


The following message came from John Jones, the Central Region Treasurer via Jayne Payne:

“I have always been interested in the activities of the Willesden, in my young days Paul (Digger) Baulch was one of the countries top time triallists, I think he was second the day Ray Booty first broke 4 hours.  But my best memory of Paul is standing in a group of other cyclists in a field at the finish in Pangbourne Lane and someone asked him how he recovered after a 12.  He said, go and see my Doctor, he will see I am fatigued and will sign me off work for a week!  I often thought of that comment when I finished a 12 but always went to work the next day.   The other good Willesden rider of the time was John Blunsden.”

It is always lovely to receive these anecdotes of our past members.



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Willesden Road Race Sun 24 Sept 2017

WCC RR 9-17 (46)

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WCC RR 9-17 (3)

WCC RR 9-17 (2)

WCC RR 9-17 (1)Again thanks to Jayne we had a really good day,with lots of help from marshals and the ladies suppling the food,
and all the othrs behind the sean.
Here are a few pictures of the day.
Ron Purdy

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REMINDER – Marshals for WCC road races

To all members of the Willesden Cycling Club

We are still short of marshalls for the road races on 24 September, so please come forward and help your club.  The first race is off at 9.30 – so if people could be there at the latest by 9.00 am then that’s great.

The race headquarters is:  Little Milton Village Hall, Thame Road, Little Milton, Oxfordshire, OX44  7PZ

Please contact John Wheatley or Jayne Paine to let them know that you will be able to assist.



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British Cycling AGM – Hillingdon 14th September 2017

The following email was sent to us and anyone in the club are welcome to attend:

The Regional Board and Committee warmly welcome you to join us on the 14th Sept at the Hillingdon Circuit from 1900 until 2200 (approximately) for the 2017 AGM.

Agenda to be finalised shortly, but in this meeting we will be voting for the Board, Committee and National Council members who will represent the region at the British Cycling National level; a great opportunity to see how the process works and to meet the team!

All are welcome so please pass to your club members.

Kind regards,

Martin Merryweather

General Secretary, Central Region

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Volunteers Needed for the Nyctophobic 100km and Anfractuous 200km

Martin Lucas requires some help on the October Audaxes – Saturday 14 October.

There are volunteers to help with route checking and the morning start but assistance in the evening would be very welcome, so if anyone can spare a couple of hours between 18:00 and 20:00 please contact Martin Lucas on 07981 810657.

WIllesden October Audaxes

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Jayne at the World Road Race Champs

There were 70 in my age group. There were about 60 other older women in my race including JeannI Longo who was disqualified afterwards for having an underweight bike .

So 130 of us altogether. I missed the break on the long hill which Longo forced.

I was 7th in my age group 50-54 and probably 7th or 8th in the 50+
So no humiliation but not the glory I’d hoped for.


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