Audax Jenners Bolters lock Sun 3rd June, a few photos at the finish.

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Hippy sets a new club record

HippyI’m rather late in reporting this but Stuart “The Hippy” Birnie has recently set a new club record and a personal best on the ACME Wheelers 25, with a time of 49:43. Well done Hippy!

At the moment Hippy is on the Trans Am Bike race, which started on 2nd June. The TABR runs west to east across America and the riders have to be self supported. At present (Monday 4th June  @10am) he has covered 486 miles in 1 day and 20 hours.  You can follow his progress on the TABR website

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Peter Dixon

As some of you may have read on Facebook, club member Peter Dixon died on Monday May 28th. If anyone wants to send a message to his family you can do it through his friend Adrian Masters at

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Pauline Why

Pauline receiving her life time membership at the 2008 Willesden Dinner and Dance

Pauline receiving her life time membership at the 2008 Willesden Dinner and Dance


As many of you many of you will know, Pauline Why, passed away peacefully and quietly at her home last week. Pauline was a valuable helper on club events for many years and was also an Accredited Road Race Marshall, ensuring rider safety our annual road race. Her contribution to the family of cycling has been invaluable and our condolences go to her husband Ian and her two boys, Peter and Richard.

Pauline’s funeral will take place at 11:30am on Monday 11th June 2018 at Breakespeare Crematorium, Breakspear Road, Ruislip, Middlesex, HA4 7SJ. Directions can be found here

This will be followed by a gathering at Denham Bowls Club, Denham Way, Denham, Uxbridge UB9 5AX. More detailed directions to the bowls club can be found here.


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Willesden at the velodrome

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Willesden Audax Day, Sunday 3rd June at Maidenhead!!!

Anne Mograby is running two Audax rides for us on SUNDAY 3RD JUNE. Both starting from Jenners Cafe in Maidenhead (See map here)

You have two rides to choose from –

“10 THAMES BRIDGES” – Starts at 9:00am

1 ride – 2 cafes, 1 river, 10 Thames bridges (100km)
It really does show the best of the river Thames. Starting at Jenner’s cafe there are a few ups to Marlow, then to Hambleden, Henley and Sonning. The ride goes through some pretty villages before its half way stop at Dinton Pastures. The second half of the ride takes towards Ascot and through the Great Park. On the home strait back to Maidenhead you visit Datchet, Eton and the Fat Duck in Bray.

Enter 10 Thames Bridges


“KAF TO KAF” – Start time 10:00am

1 ride – 2 cafes (62km)
If you fancy doing something a bit shorter, then the 62km Kaf to Kaf is for you. Starting at Jenner’s cafe there is one climb up to Pinkneys Green. The ride goes through some pretty villages before the half way stop at Dinton Pastures. The second half of the ride takes towards Ascot and back to Maidenhead via Fifield and Bray.

Enter Kaf to Kaf

Anne is happy to take entries on the line. It is an excellent value for money day at only £4 per person (for Audax/ CTC members). There is a small extra insurance charge for non-Audax/CTC riders wishing to take part.

Anne hopes to see you all there.

Join the world of Audax riding

Join the world of Audax riding

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Track session on Sunday 27th May

All riders please note you need to register your car reg number in the track centre to get 3 hours free parking. Please arrive in good time as we are on the track at 9am.

List of riders Neil Martin, James Edwardes, Connor Woodford, John Wheatley, Darryl Lusardi, Andy Taylor, Chris Kelly, Adam Huddle, Roger Woodford, Tony Flynn,

Please note I still have some places let me know if you wish to attend.

See bike spec below do not worry about the 84in gear as this is not a taster session.


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Track session 27th May

Can all riders who are coming to the club track session at the velodrome on Sunday May 27th please pay your £20.00 into the club bank account TSB Harrow account no 00106568 sort code 77-70-72 mark the payment track session. Also let me know you have paid and your email address so that I can send you further information.

Tony Woodford

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Old Timers with Ken Howard

Ken H.23-3-18 (1)

Ken H.23-3-18 (4)

Ken H.23-3-18 (6)

Ken H.23-3-18 (17)

Ken H.23-3-18 (19)

Ken H.23-3-18 (25)

Ken H.23-3-18 (26)

Ken H.23-3-18 (27)

Ken H.23-3-18 (28)

Ken H.23-3-18 (29)

Ken H.23-3-18 (32)

Ken H.23-3-18 (33)

Ken H.23-3-18 (34)

Ken H.23-3-18 (35)

Ken H.23-3-18 (36)

Ken H.23-3-18 (39)

Ken H.23-3-18 (40)

Ken H.23-3-18 (43)

Posted in Events, Miscellaneous, Social | 1 Comment

Club Runs List – April to June 2018

Below is a link to a downloadable PDF file containing all the details of the Willesden CC club rides. The list has been prepared by the Club Captain, Brain Moon, with the IT assistance of Seán Bannister.



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Club Track Championship

The Club Track Championships will be held on Sunday 2nd September from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at Welwyn Track.

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Velodrome booked for May

I have now booked the Lee Valley velodrome for Sunday 27th May from 9 a.m to 11 a.m. We are limited to 15 riders so let me know ASAP if you are riding. The cost is £20.00 and you will need to book and pay in advance.

Tony Woodford

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Reliability timings

Reliability Rides


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Resting after the Willesden Reliability 2018

WCC reliability 2018 (1)

WCC reliability 2018 (2)

WCC reliability 2018 (5)

WCC reliability 2018 (6)

WCC reliability 2018 (7)

WCC reliability 2018 (8)

WCC reliability 2018 (10)

WCC reliability 2018 (11)

WCC reliability 2018 (12)

WCC reliability 2018 (13)

WCC reliability 2018 (14)

WCC reliability 2018 (15)

WCC reliability 2018 (16)

WCC reliability 2018 (17)

WCC reliability 2018 (18)

WCC reliability 2018 (19)

WCC reliability 2018 (20)

WCC reliability 2018 (21)

WCC reliability 2018 (22)

WCC reliability 2018 (23)

WCC reliability 2018 (24)

WCC reliability 2018 (25)

WCC reliability 2018 (27)

WCC reliability 2018 (28)

WCC reliability 2018 (29)

WCC reliability 2018

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Classic Audax Bike for Sale.

Dan Duncan Jones - Bike

Willesden CC member Dan Duncan-Jones is looking to sell his impressive Roberts Audax 27″ frame.

Dan bought the bike  in 1989 (frame no. 8847) and it’s equipped with a Campagnolo Chorus triple, 10 speed, with a 29 sprocket on the back. The chain and cassette are new. The frame has been resprayed a couple of times and has always been put back together by the Bike Shop in North Harrow.

Dan say’s the bike is a reliable machine that can be used for either touring, commuting or as a training bike? It is on sale for £450.

If you are interested then please contact Dan via the comments section below.


Posted in Audax, For Sale | 5 Comments

Help with the Willesden Reliability Rides

I need some help, please, for the Willesden Reliability Rides which are being held on Sunday, 18th February.
Catering is taken care of by Vyv and her team.

Ride Flyer

Ride Flyer

I want the routes checked any time between now and the weekend beforehand.

On the Friday or Saturday route signage put up. This has to happen close to the event as it tends to get taken down by nimbys.

On the day, help at the start. You can be taking part in the event, it will just mean turning up by 0830 to help sign on etc. If you are not taking part I would be pleased to get some help with arrivals, depending on field size.

An event photographer to get some pictures for here and WCC website and as publicity for next year. It will involve being at the start and somewhere photogenic out on route.

Reasonable out of pocket expenses will be met and you will have my and the club’s gratitude as a reward.

Let me know by email to Thank you

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The Reliability Ride for club members

This is on Sunday, February 18th. Some improvements have been made since last year and with reasonable weather it should be a great event.

It is an open event and Willesden CC members have no priority for places. Insurance limits the event to 200 riders. Last year we got over 100 ,with negligible publicity, since it was launched very late in the day following the passing away of Mike Ellison, who was running the event before me.  This year it will be much better publicised and the intention is to sell out, so you may wish to register soon.

Details and online application can be found at

If you cannot pay online, then send me a cheque for £8 per entrant, made out to Ian

Ride Flyer

Oliver, with a note giving the name and email address or phone number of each entrant. The cheque must arrive no later than Monday 5th February and entrants paid for this way must be club members. I will be leaving an allocation of spaces for this which should be enough to give everyone doing it this way a place. You will need to fill out a form with some personal details at the ride start.

My address is 68 St Dunstans Ave, London W3 6QJ.

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The following were elected as office.  As you can see there are number of roles that need to be filled.  Younger members are asked to come forward and help in the running of the club.

President                –         Gladys Purdy

Vice President        –         Jim Love, Ron Newell, Jean Newell, Stan Vygus

Chairman                –         VACANT

Vice Chairman       –         VACANT

General Secretary  –         VACANT 

Treasurer                 –         Greg Lawes

Membership & Recruitment    –   Ian Oliver

Webmaster            –         Rich Cooper

Magazine/Newsletter    –         This position to be deleted

Time Trial Secretary      –         Tony Flynn

Road Race Secretary      –         Jayne Paine

Track Racing Secretary  –         Tony Woodford

Timekeeper      –         VACANT

Assistant Timekeepers         –         VACANT

Social Secretary           –         VACANT

Touring Secretary        –         Martin Lucas

Assistant Touring Secretary   –         Ian Oliver

Equipment Officer   –         Ray Kelly

Printer & Distributor       –         This position to be deleted

Club Captain    –         Brian Moon

Vice Club Captain     –         Gill Reynolds

Press Secretary     –         VACANT

Trophy Secretary   –         VACANT

Trustees        –         Gladys Purdy,  Jenny Wright

Accounts Examiners     –         Liz Creese, Ian Birch

Welfare Officer          –         Gill Reynolds

Youth Representative     –         Anastasia Vockic

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07 Jan 18, Marlow Sports Centre
14 Jan 18, Roald Dahl Cafe, Missenden
21 Jan 18, Bridgewater Monument, Ashridge
28 Jan 18, Billingbear Golf CentreMay b
04 Feb 18, Aston Clinton
11 Feb 18, Moss End Garden Centre
18 Feb 18, WCC Reliability
18 Feb 18, Lookout, Bracknell Forest
25 Feb 18, Garden Centre, Horsley Green,Stokenchurch
04 Mar 18, The Orchard View Farm, Little Meadle
11 Mar 18, Cheddington, Canal Centre
18 Mar 18, Craft Centre, Wokingham
25 Mar 18, Red Lion Cafe, Bradenham

This list is published on behalf of the Club Run coordinator.
Rides are subject to change.
(I am an innocent party in this)


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Willesden Family Christmas Party


Family Christmas Party Christmas Party will be held on Friday 22 December 2017, starting from 5.00 p.m. at the Hillingdon track club house.

Bring some presents for Santa to dish out to your children or favourite person, some nosh, and also Xmas cards to exchange with your pals.  Childrens/Oldies/Friends are welcome, so come along to partake in the games and fun and don’t forget the kids!

If you get there early, the Minet Ladies will welcome you with lashings of tea and food, so there is no excuse to be late.

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