Zwift evening at Cycle Right


The excellent Cycle Right shop in Northwood Hills is laying on a special Zwift evening specially for Willesden CC members. This promises to be a great evening for all of us. You only need your cycling kit, cycling shoes and a towel. Cycle Right will supply the bikes and everything else needed.

If you don’t want to ride, just come along for a chat, coffee and cake, and cheer the riders along.

The date for your diary is Thurs 23 February from 7.00pm, at Cycle Right, 89 Joel Street, Northwood Hills, HA6 1LU

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Dear Members,

Here are the details of the Memorial Gathering for Mike Ellison.  Please RSVP Barbara to let her know that you will be attending and let her know if you wish to say a few words as this would be appreciated.   Barbara and the family also appreciated the plant and cards received from members of the Willesden Cycling Club.

memorial gathering invite a6

You are invited to join us for the Memorial Gathering to celebrate the life of

Michael Ellison

(22.05.1945 – 17.11.2016)

Sunday 12th February 2017 – 2:00 – 5:00 pm – Members Room, Uxbridge Golf Club, The Drive, Uxbridge, UB10 8AQ

RSVP to Barbara Ellison 07894 092374/text by 2nd February 2017

Please kindly refer any donations to Michael’s Cancer Research UK Memorial Page

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Photos: Club Dinner – January 2017

A few pictures of everyone enjoying themselves thanks to Wendy and Jim who stepped in after the sudden death of Mike. Thanks to Ed for providing the disco, after an enjoyable meal, which got lots of people dancing the night away!!

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Lost Property from Saturday Night

Did anyone go home by accident with Reg Harrison’s padded grey/blue raincoat and scarf.  If so please let me know so that I can get it returned to him.

Many thanks.

Wendy Mears

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Awards Presentation Dinner 21 January 2017

Numbers were down this year but thanks to everyone who came last night to make it an enjoyable evening.

Once again thanks to Ray Kelly for being our toastmaster, he always gives us a great start to proceedings and continues it throughout the night.

Thank you to Cycle Right of Northwood who donated a very nice Lezyne GPS for a prize in our raffle, very generous and kind. Please go and have a look at their set up selling all kinds of cycling gear as well as the finest coffee and cakes, a must go to place.

Well done to all the trophy winners  – please continue to perform well in 2017.

Thanks also to Ed Sullivan, DJ extraordinaire; who expended a lot of energy to put on a fabulous show, the music was great to dance to. I would highly recommend his services to anyone who needs a DJ.

We must not forget Mike Ellison who started the organisation of the Dinner and without him offering to take on the role, I don’t think an Awards Dinner would have happened this year. RIP Mike.

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Team Quest Reliability Trials-Sunday 22nd January 2017


The BIKE Shop – North Harrow / Home of Questbikes

Team Quest Reliability Trials-Sunday 22nd January 2017

100Km 9.30am. 60Km
HQ-Fulmer Village Hall
Details-Paul Doel. 07867487387
Entries via BC website or on the day.

With less than a week to go we can finally unveil our routes for the 2017 Team Quest Reliability Ride. We have two routes on offer at 60km and 96km. Download the routes onto your GPS devices via the following links using either Strava or Garmin Connect.

Long ride:…

Short Ride:…


The BIKE Shop – North Harrow / Home of Questbikes

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Willesden Reliability Rides on February 19th

The Willesden Reliability Rides are on February 19th, with 100km and 50km routes starting from Chalfont St Peter’s. You can get a discount of £2 for entering online in advance. With 3 target paces for a hilly 100 and a moderately challenging 50, there is something for everyone.

So get out and ride it! And tell your cycling mates who are not in the Willesden all about it.

Details, including online entry, are at

Some volunteers will be wanted on the weekend of the event and mostly they will still be able to ride.

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REMINDER – Willesden Awards Presentation and Dinner – Saturday 21 January

dancingPlease let me know by Monday 16 January if you are coming to the Awards Presentation and Dinner on Saturday 21 January 2017. Contact:  Thanks.

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London-Wales-London needs help!

Willesden’s massively popular 400km audax needs help.

LondonWalesLondon is turning out to be a massive success with over 120 registered riders and a waiting list of 35 hopefuls. But the Willesden promoted event needs help at the end of April.

Specifically we need offers of help:
at the start from 0400 on Saturday 29 April morning for 3 hours
checking in riders at the Woodstock control on 29 April from around 0800 until about 1030
checking in riders at the Chepstow control from lunchtime to early evening on 29 April
helping out at Lambourn control from early evening to the small hours on 29/30 April
welcoming weary riders back at Chalfont from midnight until around 1000 on Sunday 30 April.

If you can spare a few hours contact Liam FitzPatrick

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REMINDER – Willesden 2017 Annual Trophy Awards Presentation and Dinner Dance


Tickets are still available, if you would like to come please contact Gladys or Wendy, letting us know if you have any specific dietary requirements.    


Date:   Saturday 21st January 2017

Venue:   Uxbridge Golf Course, The Drive, Uxbridge, Middx, UB10 8AQ

Time:   18.30 for 19.00 – 23.00.

Price:    Adults £30.   16 and under £15.

Programme:   Arrival, Meal, Prize Presentation, Disco by Ed Sullivan Dancing  Various toasts led by Toastmaster Ray Kelly. Cross-toasting fun and dancing the night away.

dancingMenu:   Galia Melon with Berries, Shank of Lamb in Red Wine Sauce or Vegetable Lasagne plus Selection of Vegetables, Sherry Trifle with Cream, Coffee and Mints.

Payment can be made direct into the Willesden bank account:   TSB Harrow, Account no. 00106568, Sort Code 77-70-72     OR      Cheque payable to  Willesden Cycling Club to Gladys Purdy 55 Exeter Road, Rayners Lane, Harrow, Middlesex, HA2 9PQ

If you use the cheque option please indicate on back of cheque how many vegetarian meals you have ordered.  If none then “No vegetarian’

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Rich deflates at Windmill Hill


Rich Cooper: I raced at Windmill Hill, Deepcut yesterday in the Gorrick Brass Monkey’s Winter Enduro series – race 1.

Started very strong, near the front (of 60 odd vet starters) and everything was going so well, until my rear tyre punctured. Not normally an issue as the sealant normally fills the hole, but this was next to the rim. Tried sorting it with the gas pump, but it deflated again. Put a tube in the tyre, and ran out of gas for the inflater. With no backup manual pump I had to do the walk-of-shame back to the start. On the way bumped into some friendly local riders who offered me a pump, managed to get myself up and running again and completed 2 laps in the 2 hour deadline. Looking at my laptime for the second lap I would have likely been in the top 20, one of my best results – but alas I finished 57th!

A frustrating, but still fun day.

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The ride is organised now for the 19th February. It will start and finish at the community centre in Chalfont St Peter, with a 50Km and 100Km event. See for details.

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Trophies not yet returned.

If you are on the following list please ensure that you return your trophy ASAP so they can be sent to the engraver to be ready for the next club dinner in January.

Contact Jim Mears to make arrangements for their return via email:

Alex Pierce…Men’s RR                                                        Ron /Gladys Purdy…Marshalling

Connor Woodford…Junior RR and Men’s Track               Lucie Woodford…Schoolgirl Track

Josh Copley…Schoolboy Track and Schools 10TT             Jane Moore…Ladies’ Audax

Jayne Paine…Ladies’ RR and Ladies’ Track                      Hugh Smith…Mug of the Year

Mark Brooking/Jane Moore…Tandem TT, Audax Merit, and Audax Tandem

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URGENT Amended Payment Details for Willesden’s 2017 Annual Awards Presentation and Dinner and Dance

Due to the sudden passing of Mick Ellison who was organising the Club Dinner we have had to change the payment options.   Those who have already paid via Paypal please let Wendy Mears know who you are by contacting her by email:   Revised payment details below:

Date: Saturday 21st January 2017

Venue: Uxbridge Golf Course
The Drive

Time: 18.30 for 19.00 – 23.00.
Price adults £30; under-16 £15.

Programme: Arrival, Meal, Prize Presentation, Disco. Various toasts led by Toastmaster Ray Kelly. Cross-toasting fun.

Menu: Galia Melon with Berries, Shank of Lamb in Red Wine Sauce or Vegetable Lasagne plus Selection of Vegetables, Sherry Trifle with Cream, Coffee and Mints.

Payment can be made direct into the Willesden bank account:   TSB Harrow, Account no. 00106568, Sort Code 77-70-72


Cheque payable to  Willesden Cycling Club to Gladys Purdy 55 Exeter Road, Rayners Lane, Harrow, Middlesex, HA2 9PQ

If you use the cheque option please indicate on back of cheque how many vegetarian meals you have ordered.  If none then “No vegetarian’

If you pay via the bank transfer then email dietary requirements to:

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WCC Christmas Party – Friday 16th Dec 16

3-stages-of-santaThe Willesden CC has signed up with Santa for his preferential premier present delivery service, which is always way in advance of Christmas. So beat the Christmas rush and join Santa and his helpers for an evening of family fun and games at the Hillingdon circuit on Friday, 16th December 2016

The evening will kick off around 5:30pm and run through till about 9pm, or until pass-the-parcel is finally over! Manning the music decks will be Ed Sullivan to provide the right sort of musical ambiance to get the the party rocking. Light snacks, cakes-a-plenty and soft drinks will be available through out the evening.

What to bring??? Well, the following are a good idea –

  1. A good sense of humour and a nostalgia for childhood party games.
  2. Food and beverages will be available, but if you can remember please bring some suitable donations to share around.
  3. Any young children that you have in your family who want to see Santa and perhaps get a present (see 4. below!)
  4. If you want to give a small, fun present to others in your family (or any one else), then one of Santa’s helpers will be there to ensure it is passed on to Santa to hand out.  Please clearly label who the present it is for – however to keep the spirit of Santa Claus do not say who the present is from!
  5. If you want to avoid the high cost of postage, then why not bring your Christmas cards for other members (by no means is this obligatory). A well organised letter sorting system springs in to action at the party every year, which can save you a bundle in stamps.

This is a real informal fun night out for all the family and to get us all in the mood for Christmas. Just remember to keep the circuit free as Santa and his reindeers need plenty space to land!

I hope to see you all there, Miles Back









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Charming film about the Thanet RC

Thanet Road Cycling Club celebrates its 70th anniversary in 2017. This commemorative film, made with Heritage Lottery Funding, captures the quintessential nature of club life in the UK.


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Barbara Ellison contacted me to say that Mike passed away unexpectedly on Thursday 17th November after a short illness.

There will be no funeral but his family are going to organise a memorial gathering in the New Year.

This is a great shock as another Willesden stalwart leaves a great hole in our club because he did so much for us with huge enthusiasm and will be greatly missed.  Our thoughts go out to Barbara and his family at this sad time.  RIP Mike.

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This weekend all began on a car trip where somebody suggested inviting Hippy to come on the weekend on a longbarrow – just for fun. It was also made quite clear that there were to be least 3 pub stops over the course of the weekend and a decent overnight stop. I think it was the beer offer that clinched it.

Jane had plans to do the more gentle TA run to the viper for lunch on the Saturday with Els.They both jumped in at the deep end and went for the longer option.
The event started from Roydon Mill about 7 miles north of me so we had a brief ride to the start so that Hippy could master the gears and learn handling of the mount. The exact opposite of his road bike in many ways.

So with two stokers who had never ridden either a tandem or a trike before we set off into the rain. It should be noted that my crew only had one good leg, Hippy had been doing some insane Gym work and had delicate hamstrings and I had had a close encounter with a city pedestrian who thinks red means go which left me with a severely bruised right side.

En-route we found a disabled tandem by the roadside. ‘Do you have a spare tyre’ the lad asks.
‘Of course’ I say
Looks of disbelief.
‘Well do you want it or not ?’
Lad is overjoyed as it’s a long walk to lunch from there.

We made good progress and the gloom lifted as we passed through the Wimpole estate to the pub In Arrington for lunch.Stew and dumplings followed by Jam Roly poly and custard gave the stop a decidedly suet theme.The beer wasn’t bad either.
A series of songs completed the repast and the race was on to get as close to Bedford and our hotel as soon as possible before dark.

On a long descent the front tyre blows like a pistol shot
The Peleton look around to see who is in trouble – longbarrow just carries on until it slows.
No noticeable change in handling.
Hippy is impressed that we stay upright – one of the advantages of the extra wheel.
A two inch split in the sidewall – totally trashed.
The lad with my tyre comes by – feeling guilty. He is such a skinny chap I tell him to carry on as the support van is on its way with a spare tyre.

We regroup at Blunham (another Pub).
The next leg is cycle route 51 – an old railway bed that will deliver us straight to the hotel by the river.
Its dark.
The blue signs are above head height so hard to illuminate.
And the trail twists and turns through a series of ninety degree bends around houses and snakes its way past a gravel works.
Progress is slow.
On the outskirts of Bedford it is better lit and we arrive at the Park Inn for the night.
Jane is concerned about her brakes – severely worn down by lots of use the wet abrasive paste gathered from the lanes.
Hippy and I make it to the local Halfords just before closing and come away with a new tyre and some brake pads.

A swift fettling session with a cool beer to aid me renders the ladies tandem roadworthy once more.

The rooms are good.
The shower is good.
The food is good.
Beers are limited so after dinner the chaps wandered into town to find something better.
We strike it lucky as the Swan Hotel opposite is hosting a Camera beer festival.
With 11 tokens each and a special glass it turns into a late night.
A splendid end to a damp day of trundling.

The following day dawns dry and bright.
It’s a buffet breakfast which sets us up for the trip to the lunch stop in the Woodman in Nuthampstead.
As we have a lunch slot booked there at 12:30 we leave straight after breakfast into glorious sunshine.
A stark contrast from the murk of the previous day.
We aren’t caught by the rest of the riders so join a solitary gent by the War memorial in Ashwell to observe two minutes silence.
The event is always held on Remembrance Sunday.
The noise from a football match behind us spoils the solemnity somewhat.

We make it to lunch in plenty of time.
Another good lunch and time to swap my new tyre for the one i borrowed for the last 50 miles.

We decide to leave first to make best use of the daylight and arrive safely back at the start id daylight – just.

A good time was had by all.
Hippy may or may not come out to play seriously on a few short time trials
And Jane & Els have a few firsts to chase next year after a bit more practice.

We shall have to see how it all works out.

One thing is certain – we will all be back next year on the crest CC tandem weekend.

Mark Brooking

tw-store tw-sing tw-rear screen-shot-2016-11-15-at-07-01-07 beerrfest tw-team

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Jayne Paine LVRC Champion!

Jayne Paine our World Champion and World Record Holder did very well at the LVRC Championships over the weekend.

Jayne won the Gold medal in the 2km pursuit and the 500m time trial. She took the silver in the sprints after having recorded the fastest time in qualifying. She also won silver in the Points and Scratch Races.

Overall she was the best in her age group and won the LVRC Championship jersey.

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Trophy Time

It is that time of year again. If you have any trophies in your possession then it is time to return them to the trophy secretary. You can bring them to the club meeting on Friday November 4th or contact Jim Mears to make arrangements for their return.

Tel.  01494862372     or    email

Please return them ASAP but please no later than the AGM on the 4th of December.

If you have been involved in any aspect of cycling over the past year regardless of how much or how little you have done please inform Jim via email with your achievements, points etc.  The more information you can supply the better, you may be entitled to a trophy.

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