Alex gets his first win on the track.

On Friday at Welwyn Alex Pierce had his first win on the track in the 10 lap block pursuit. Alex has only ridden the track a few times yet he managed to stay away on the last lap from a chasing group. Connor was 3rd in the same race. Connor again completed a very fast 10 mile finishing with the senior riders in a race that was run off in 21 minutes.
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Reminder: Pub Rub, next Thurs 21 August

Hi folks

A friendly reminder that our Pub Run will be next Thursday, 21 August. Hope to see you there, those of you not away on holiday! Full details below.


CZ x

Event: Pub Run
Date: Thurs 21 August 2014
Time: 8:00pm onwards
Venue: Coach and Horses Pub, 1 High Road, Ickenham, Middlesex UB10 8LJ

Posted in Events, Social | 2 Comments

Jane Moore Sets New LEJOG Record


Well we finally made it to the top. Jane arrived at John ‘o Groats at 22:45 on the Thursday night. She chose not to carry on for the 1000 miles as an achilles problem was beginning to flare up. The End to End was always the primary objective. There were a few bonuses on the way. All are subject to ratification. Jane could end up with the following – none of which have ever been achieved by a woman on a tricycle. Continue reading

Posted in Time trials, Top 10 Results, Tricycle | 5 Comments

Ed Packhard’s visit to the WW1 battlefields

Dr Edward Packard placed a memorial cross at Hartmannswillerkopf cemetery on behalf of Willesden CC.

Ed Packard - 3 Ed Packard - 2
Ed Packard - 4

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Film screening: Half the Road, Thurs 28 Aug

Hi folks

Favourite cycle cafe Look Mum No Hands are screening the cycling documentary Half the Road: The Passions, Pitfalls and Power of Professional Women’s Cycling on Thursday 28 August at their Mare Street location.

View the trailer below:

They say:

“We had a sell out session at our last screening so we are arranging another night. The film explores the world of women’s professional cycling, focusing on both the love of sport and the pressing issues of inequality that modern-day female riders face in a male dominated sport. Documentary written and directed by Kathryn Bertine.

Entry will be free and all money raised on the night will be split between the Amy Dombroski Foundation and Racing Chance, both causes supporting Women’s Pro Cycling.

To attend the screening please register for a ticket and your details will be checked on arrival. Seating is limited so register early to avoid disappointment!


Event: Screening of Half the Road
Date: Thursday 28 August 2014
Time: 18:30, for a 19:00 start
Price: Free
Venue: Look Mum No Hands, 125–127 Mare Street, E8 3RH, London
Booking: Tickets required, visit the Look Mum No Hands Facebook event page for details
Enquiries: Contact Look Mum No Hands, email or call 07985 200472

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Report: Willesden Regatta 2014 (kayaking evening)

Hi folks

A lovely time was had at the kayaking evening last month which was fully booked. Thanks to everyone who came along! Thank you to Sue Palmer for her help in organising it for us.

Enjoy the below video courtesy of Thomas Zittel and photos thanks to Pauline Why.


CZ x

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Results from the Press Secretary

Time trialists were in action in the London Vets 10 mile at Maidenhead on Thursday afternoon. Pete Cookson recorded 23.30, Gill Reynolds 26.06 and Jim McKay 28.06.

Our Junior riders- Darryl Lusardi rode on Hillingdon circuit and finished 12th and Connor Woodford was 3rd in the under 16 event. Kye Lewis at Eelmore Circuit was 6th.

Connor rode again at Welwyn Track on Friday finishing 3rd in both the Senior 10 lap Scratch and the 8 lap block pursuit.

Taking part in the Prudential event on Sunday were Andy Bond, Rich Cooper, Tony Lusardi and Carl Yates. Cooper was probably the most comfortable in the wet as he is used to mountain biking events.


Posted in Events, Hillingdon Cycle Circuit, Road Racing, Sportives, Time trials, Top 10 Results, Track | Leave a comment

Reading Dernyfest and Women’s Omnium 2014

Jayne Payne took to Reading Track on Saturday for the Women’s Omnium. Jayne was 7th in the 500m. She then won the points race by lapping the field, was 4th in the sprint, 6th in the pursuit and finally 9th in the Scratch race. She finished in 6th place overall beating many of the girls who were half her age.

Connor Woodford rode the Senior derny race and was 2nd in the minor final just beaten in the sprint for the line after 35 laps.

Photos courtesy of Biker Jun with some rights reserved.

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Results from last week

On Monday at Reading Tom Zittel was second in the 10 lap scratch, 4th in the Keirin and 2nd in the elimination race.

On Tuesday at Hillingdon Connor Woodford was second in the Youth A race and Alex Pierce was 5th in the senior 3rd and 4th Cat race.

On Wednesday Jayne Paine was 7th in the ladies race at Stratford circuit and Connor Woodford won the youth race at Eelmore.

On Friday at Welwyn Connor Woodford was 5th in the senior elimination race and finished 8th in the senior 10 mile that was run off in under 21 mins.

Posted in Hillingdon Cycle Circuit, Track | Leave a comment

Club track Champs 31st August

The Club track champs are on the 31st August at Welwyn track racing starts at 12.00 noon. Entry fee £5.00 adults £3.00 under 18’s. bike hire £3.00 note bikes have Look, Look keo or toe clips and straps we can not change the pedals. Please arrive by 11.30 so we can start on time we should finish by 2.00. Let me know if you are riding so I have some idea of numbers.

Tony Woodford

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Road Race – Marshals needed – Sunday 7 September

Marshalling is the best fun


Your help will be needed to run successful and safe racing on Sunday 7th September 2014.

We will need 15 or more people for marshalling duties.  All marshals will receive complimentary refreshments plus a full briefing, hi-viz jacket and a flag to warn traffic that the race is approaching.

The course HQ will be at Church Road, Great Milton, Oxfordshire, OX44 7PD. The Dulcie Walker Cup will start at 9:30am and the John Walker Trophy will start at 1:00pm.

If you can help with marshalling please let me know as soon as possible –  wheatleyjk at gmail dot com




Posted in Road Racing | 1 Comment

Kayaking night Tuesday 29-7-14

Kayak 29-7-14 (35)

Kayak 29-7-14 (5)

Kayak 29-7-14 (6)

Kayak 29-7-14 (7)

Kayak 29-7-14 (8)

Kayak 29-7-14 (10)

Kayak 29-7-14 (12)

Kayak 29-7-14 (14)

Kayak 29-7-14 (15)

Kayak 29-7-14 (16)

Kayak 29-7-14 (17)

Kayak 29-7-14 (18)

Kayak 29-7-14 (22)

Kayak 29-7-14 (23)

Kayak 29-7-14 (25)

Kayak 29-7-14 (26)

Kayak 29-7-14 (27)

Kayak 29-7-14 (28)

Kayak 29-7-14 (34)

Posted in Events, Miscellaneous, Social | 1 Comment

Report: Willesden Regatta 2014

Hi folks

A lovely time was had at the kayaking evening last month which was fully booked. Thanks to everyone who came along! Thank you to Sue Palmer for her help in organising it for us.

Enjoy the below pics and video courtesy of Thomas Zittel.


CZ x

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Report: Wolsey RC Open 25


Cervelo // 25 miles // 59:36 // 25.167mph

“Another early start, another early visit to the service station at the Coddenham roundabout for a large black coffee…

I was quietly optimistic today: I’d had a couple of weeks to recover from a heavy training weekend, and had been feeling pretty good on my bike in the preceding week. Moreover, conditions were almost perfect for this course, which is essentially two laps of the A143 between the Redenhall and Chicken roundabouts, following the long abandoned railway line – the wind was rarely annoying in either direction; the sky was mainly overcast; and the air quite fresh and not as humid as recent weeks.”

Continue reading Ed Packard’s report on his blog.

Posted in Time trials | 1 Comment

Riverside-to-Riverside Audax on 13th August

1 ride – 2 cafes, 1 river

Many of you may know this ride, previously organised by Mick Hill and John Tipping. It really does show the best of 3 counties Berkshire, Bucks and Oxfordshire. Starting at Jenner’s cafe there are a few ups at Marlow and  Turville before the great descent down to Watlington. The ride goes through some pretty villages before half way stop at the riverside in Benson. The second half of the ride takes you across open farmland at Ipsden and visits the Maharajah’s Well at Stoke Row. Going through Henley sees you on the home strait back to Maidenhead via Knowl Hill,  Fifield and the Fat Duck in Bray.

Where and when

10.00am, Wednesday 13th August 2014, Jenner’s Cafe Maidenhead SL6 8NP, entry fee £3.00

Google maps

How to enter

Go to  for entry details. Entries on the line accepted.


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Follow Jane Moore’s attempt on the End to End Record


Jane Moore 2014-07-28At 6:00am next Monday 4th August, Jane Moore will start her attempt on the End to End tricycle record and potentially the 1,000mile record. Her Directeur Sportif is the one and only Mark Brooking, so she couldn’t be in more capable, caring and knowledgeable hands. While Jane has been out training for this marathon Mark has been carefully planning the attempt and bringing all the officials and helpers together for this event.

The Tricycle Association will be providing regular updates on Jane’s Attempt on their site (see here), so please check regularly to see how her attempt is going .

For a full schedule of her journey please download this PDF file – Jane Moore – E2E_Schedule

Good luck Jane!

Posted in Time trials, Tricycle | 11 Comments

Club Monthly Meeting – Friday 1 August

town crier

There will be a Monthly Club Meeting on Friday 1 August 2014 at 8.00 p.m.  at the Hillingdon Track Club House. All Willesden Members welcome to come along.

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Results from Reading 21st July

Tom Zittel had his first win on the track at Reading last Monday. Kye Lewis also rode and is making great progress in his age category. Ray George made a welcome return to track racing after a gap of many years.

3rd 10 lap scratch
1st Devil
1st 500m Sprint
2nd ‘B’ 20k scratch (1st prime & 8th overall)
Kye Lewis (D League):
4th U12 flying 200m (6th overall)
3rd U12 Sprint
3rd U12 6 lap scratch (4th overall)
1st U12 Devil (2nd overall)
Ray George (C league):
4th 6lap scratch (10th overall)
1st 500m Sprint
4th 9lap points (10th overall)
3rd 10lap scratch (9th overall)
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Ed Packard’s on the Front ……




Dear Willesden clubmates,

Between 2 and 10 August I will be cycling from the north coast of Belgium down to the Franco-Swiss border as part of a small team aiming to trace the route of the Western Front. We are doing this to mark the centenary of the First World War breaking out in Europe, and to raise money for two charities that provide for ex-servicemen and women (the Lord Kitchener Memorial Holiday Centre in Lowestoft and Gardening Leave, which provides horticultural therapy). As part of the link between past and present, my sister Emily, a nurse in the Royal Navy (and winner of a ‘Milly’ award in 2013 for her work in Afghanistan and other dangerous places), is part of our support crew.

This adventure will require cycling somewhere in the region of 500 miles: several days of long, flat stages will be quite literally topped off at the end with an ascent into the Vosges mountains (followed by a weary descent). Even this terrain witnessed fierce fighting during the war.

As some of you may know, I’m a historian by profession, so I’m looking forward to combining cycling with a chance to travel through some of the landscapes I have read so much about. More poignantly, it will be impossible to avoid the lingering scars on the countryside and the immaculate cemeteries which record the deaths of vast numbers of young men. Given that our ride will coincide with the anniversary of the outbreak of war, it will also be an unrepeatable chance to experience the commemorations and to try and understand what the ‘war to end all war’ means to people a hundred years after it began.

The ride has a website here:

You can also follow our progress via twitter: @OldFrontLine

I’d be really grateful for any donations via MyDonate

When I return, I’ll be sure to provide a write up of our adventures!

Many thanks, and I hope you’re all having enjoyable cycling summers,

Ed Packard

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Rocco’s Ride Sun.20th July 2014

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx (17)

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx (16)

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx (15)

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx (14)

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx (13)

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx (12)

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx (11)

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx (10)

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx (9)

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx (8)

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx (7)

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx (6)

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx (5)

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx (4)

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx (3)

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx (2)

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx (1)

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx

Rocco's Ride July 2014 xx (18)Here are a few pictures of Rocco’s Ride

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