Olympic Velodrome Booking 2015

I have managed to book the Olympic Velodrome on Saturday 21st February 13.00 to 15.00. As we are limited to a 2 hour slot we can only have 32 riders. I will therefore be asking for names in December of those who wish to attend.  You do need some track experience before attending this session.

Posted in Coaching, Miscellaneous, Track | 4 Comments

Training Day Saturday 8th November

We are holding a training afternoon at Hillingdon Circuit on the 8th November with the High Wycombe Cycling Club. Arrive at 1.00 pm for group riding sessions. The groups will be Youth’s 12 to 16 and under 23 riders. Plus a Ladies Group and a parents and 4th cat group for riders who wish to get some experience of riding in a bunch. Bring along a Turbo if the forecast is for wet weather. Please let me know if you wish to attend.

Tony Woodford

Posted in Coaching, Hillingdon Cycle Circuit, Miscellaneous | 1 Comment

Results from last week

Reports have been coming in fast and furious this weekend.

Mark Brooking dusted down his trike and rode the Tricycle Association’s 25 in Essex recording 1.24.13. He had spent the season coaching Jane Moore for her successful attempt on the End to End record. She also rode and finished in 1.28.18.

Gill Reynolds finshed her season with a flourish taking 1st place in her age group in the first National Circuit Time Trial at Thruxton. She had to ride 5 laps of the circuit to cover 12 miles and recorded 31.59 for the distance. The CTT hope to make this an Annual event using different circuits so maybe Hillingdon could be used in the future.


Rich Cooper started his mountain bike season with a 4th place riding 3 laps in the fun category of the Exposure Night of the Knobbly Tread organised by West Drayton Mountain Bike Club at Black Park on Saturday night. (Where do they get these names for events from!!!)

All for now,

Posted in Mountain Biking, Time trials, Top 10 Results, Tricycle | 3 Comments

Pixy to replace Turbo Torture for one evening!!

Marcela WakehamThe lovely Pixy (more often known as Marcela Wakeham) will be running a physiotherapy session on the Willesden club night of  Friday 24th October between 7-8pm.  This will replace the usual Turbo training session for one week only. The cost of Marcela’s session will be the same as Turbo, ie. £3 for Adults, £1 for the U18s

Marcela’s Athletic Performance Enhancement System has been developed for athletes. It is a fusion of a variety of disciplines and therapies such as yoga, pilates and dance to:
• Strengthen and condition muscles
• Increase flexibility and mobility
• Balance your musculoskeletal system
• Aid recovery and prevent injury.

In cycling we like to push our bodies hard and to their limits. But even if we perform with accomplished technique, some parts of our body will be stiff and lack range of motion because of repetitive movements. This may create an imbalance in our musculoskeletal systems, with some muscles too strong, overused and tired, and others dormant and weak by comparison. This imbalance can affect  joints, creating damage to our ligaments and eventually injury.

Marcela’s aim is to help us remove the patterns of movement that are out of balance, and to isolate common movement errors that can cause injury and rob us of speed, power and endurance.

Marcela will also help us to focus on helping us understand our body’s needs and to take responsibility for ensuring we obtain our maximum performance potential. Her classes are fun, challenging and most of all – effective!

To take part bring a mat (a yoga mat would be ideal), or a couple of towels to place on the floor. If you are a really lean racing snake then your bones might also enjoy the benefits of a small (or even fluffy!) cushion.


More about Marcela…
Marcela is an experienced yoga, pilates and dance teacher. Through many years of learning and teaching, she has acquired a deep knowledge of anatomy, physiology and kinesiology. Using this expertise, she has devised unique approaches to movement therapy founded on mind-body awareness.

Marcela encourages students to listen to their own bodies and work only in ways that feel right and safe. What she offers is a total body/mind education specifically orientated towards the athlete.

For more details about her courses you can email Marcella at anamarcelayoga@googlemail.com


Posted in Coaching, Events, Meetings, Turbo | Leave a comment

Jayne wins two medals at World Masters

Jayne Paine rode in the World Track Masters at Manchester last week and come away with a Silver and Bronze medals.

The silver came in the team pursuit with Madeline Moore and Caroline Harding the team qualified second fastest and then went into the Gold and Silver ride off although they lost to another GB team it was a great effort in their first ride together.

Despite not felling well Jayne got a bronze in the points race and this could easily have been a silver as Jayne was away on her own when the race was neutralised due to a crash. The race was then all back together and Jayne had no chance of getting any more points.

Another great effort from Jayne keeping the Willesden name up in the results.


Posted in Miscellaneous, Track | 1 Comment

Tom Zittel Wins Combine Hill Climb

Sundays Hill Climb, the last Combine time trial event of the season, saw Willesden’s very own Tom Zittel take the honours for the event with a  time of 1.46. Of the 40 odd riders taking part 9 were from the Willesden. The only other rider to break 2 minutes on the hill was Phil Hutchison from Amersham RCC who took second place with a time of 1.59. In terms of the club competition Tom was 1st with Stuart Birnie and Ed Packard taking 2nd with identical times of 2.06.

Posted in Miscellaneous | 6 Comments

Combine hillclimb Sunday 12-14

Combine hill climb 12-10-14 x (33)

Combine hill climb 12-10-14 x (7)

Combine hill climb 12-10-14 x (10)

Combine hill climb 12-10-14 x (13)

Combine hill climb 12-10-14 x (23)

Combine hill climb 12-10-14 x (24)

Combine hill climb 12-10-14 x (25)

Combine hill climb 12-10-14 x (26)

Combine hill climb 12-10-14 x (27)

Combine hill climb 12-10-14 x (28)

Combine hill climb 12-10-14 x (29)

Combine hill climb 12-10-14 x (30)

Combine hill climb 12-10-14 x (31)

Combine hill climb 12-10-14 x (32)A few pictures of the well supported hillclimb

Posted in Events, Miscellaneous, Time trials | 1 Comment

Paris-Brest 2015 – It all starts here!

Ian Oliver is urging all club members interested in the 2015 Paris-Brest-Paris to attend this week’s “Pub run” on Thursday 16th October at the Coach and Horses, Ickenham.

The plan is to gather from 8:00pm to sound out who wants to do it, who will help and to get an idea of arrangements and numbers interested so that we can start planning now.

All Audaxers in the club, PBP wannabees and anyone keen from outside the club welcome.


Posted in Audax, PBP | 1 Comment

Reminder: Pub Run, Thurs 16 October

Hi folks

A friendly reminder that our Pub Run will be next Thursday, 16 October. Hope to see you there! Full details below.


CZ x

Event: Pub Run
Date: Thurs 16 October 2014
Time: 8:00pm onwards
Venue: Coach and Horses Pub, 1 High Road, Ickenham, Middlesex UB10 8LJ
Enquiries: social@willesdencyclingclub.org.uk

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Ray’s Turbo Torture™ (Dubstep Remix)

Old hands will know the score, pay Ray Kelly £3.00 a week (£1.00 for Under 18’s) so he can have the pleasure of making your suffer for a full hour or more. New hands will soon be old hands.

Set-up/warm-up from 6:30 pm – The Turbo session will start at 7 pm for one hour.

Bring your own turbo, block for front wheel, towel, and bidon. If possible also remember to bring your sense of humour and a positive mental attitude, you’ll need those for the tea and biscuits afterwards.

There will be a limited number of Turbo’s available for those who do not have one.

Note: Riding on the circuit will continue as usual from 5:30pm, sign-on in the club room. Good lights are essential.

Either way “Death-Ray” Kelly is waiting for you…

Posted in Hillingdon Cycle Circuit, Turbo | Leave a comment

Club Run – Sunday 12 October

In view of the fact that a large Willesden contingent will be competing in the West London Hill Climb at Windsor Hill on Sunday 12 October, the club should try to go and support our riders.

The club run to Fairoaks will therefore be postponed, or if enough people want to head out to Fairoaks after the Hill Climb, we can do that.

Windsor Hill is at Bourne End.  The first WCC rider is off at around 09:30.hill

Posted in Club Runs, Events, Hill climb, Social | 3 Comments

Ray’s Turbo Torture™ coming soon! + Video

Those with posh houses – look in the garage….

Those not in posh houses – look in the loft, or under the bed or behind the sofa… somewhere a dusty and forgotten Turbo will looking for some love. Its time has now come! Turbo Torture™ night will be starting at the Hillingdon circuit from Friday 10th October onwards.

Old hands will know the score, pay Ray Kelly £3.00 a week (£1.00 for Under 18’s) so he can have the pleasure of making your suffer for a full hour or more. New hands will soon be old hands.

Set-up/warm-up from 6:30 pm – The Turbo session will start at 7 pm for one hour.

Bring your own turbo, block for front wheel, towel, and bidon. If possible also remember to bring your sense of humour and a positive mental attitude, you’ll need those for the tea and biscuits afterwards.

There will be a limited number of Turbo’s available for those who do not have one.

Note: Riding on the circuit will continue as usual from 5:30pm, sign-on in the club room. Good lights are essential.

Either way “Death-Ray” Kelly is waiting for you…

Posted in Hillingdon Cycle Circuit, Turbo | 1 Comment

End of Season Track League results

Great Year end track league results for Willesden Riders. Tom Zittel finished second overall in the senior B league at Reading a fantastic result in his first full season of Racing on the Track.  Connor Woodford was equal first overall in the Senior B league at Welwyn although in fact Connor is still a Youth Rider.

Posted in Miscellaneous, Track | 3 Comments

Club Monthly Meeting – Friday 3 October

There will be a Monthly Club Meeting on Friday 3 October 2014 at 8.00 p.m.  at the Hillingdon Track Club House.  All Willesden Members welcome to come along.

Posted in Meetings | 2 Comments

Entry Open for Hill Climb Championships


Mick is now taking entries to the Hill Climb Champs. Just shoot him an email to enter.
Sunday October 12th with the first rider off at 09.30

Last year Hippy and Tom took joint 1st with 2:06 on Windsor Hill (HHC011) in pouring rain. With any luck the trophy will have a new home next year.

Enter by Emailing Mick

Posted in Hill climb, Time trials | Leave a comment

Last weeks results

Tom Zittel is lying in 3rd place in the Reading Track league with just 2 meetings to go. He finished in 3rd place in the Devil last week still recovering from his fall in the club’s track championships.

Josh Copley rode well in the GHS National Schools Championships in Leicestershire for young riders. His time of 23.20 for the 10 miles placed him 33rd overall in a field of 180 riders and equal 3rd in the 14 years old group.

In the Norwich C.C. 10 near Bungay, Ed Packard recorded 24.03 and Gill Reynolds took 2nd fastest lady with a time of 27.21 A bit nearer home Gill rode the Northampton C.C. 10 and finished in 25.36 gaining 3rd fastest lady and 2nd fastest Vet awards.
Ed Packard in the C.C. Breckland 50 mile event yesterday had to ride 5 laps of a 10 mile circuit as the orginal course was flooded. Even so he rode through three rain showers but still managed to finish with a time of 2.04.55

All for now,

Posted in Time trials, Top 10 Results, Track | 3 Comments

Coach and Horses 18-9-14

12-Coach and Horses 18-9-14 (1)

01-Coach and Horses 18-9-14

02-Coach and Horses 18-9-14 (9)

03-Coach and Horses 18-9-14 (8)

04-Coach and Horses 18-9-14 (7)

05-Coach and Horses 18-9-14 (6)

06-Coach and Horses 18-9-14 (5)

07-Coach and Horses 18-9-14 (4)

08-Coach and Horses 18-9-14 (3)

09-Coach and Horses 18-9-14 (2)

10-Coach and Horses 18-9-14 (12)

11-Coach and Horses 18-9-14 (10)Several members of the club met at the “Coach and Horses” in Ickenham for the debriefing of the Road Races. It coincided with Tom’s birthday and Kulvinder made him a special cake for the occassion. It was a balmy evening and warm enough to sit in the gardens. Here are a few pics that Purdy took.

Posted in Events, Miscellaneous, Social | 1 Comment

Club Runs – September-November 2014

Your club runs list can be downloaded here:

WCC-Club-Runs-Sept- Nov 2014   (Word doc)

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Results round up

At Welwyn Track last week in the 10 lap scratch race Alex Pierce attacked with one lap to go and held on to the line for a fine win. Connor Woodford finished 4th. In the 10 lap handicap Alex and Connor both started on scratch and rode well to finish in 2nd and 3rd places. Connor is now top of the Senior B league.

At Hillingdon circuit in the BCF West Thames event Darryl Lusardi took llth place and Tony Lusardi and Ryan Finestone finished just outside the top 10 despite of Tony having a puncture after 7 laps.

On the Amersham Road in the West London Combine 10 mile T.T. John Wheatley and his wife Lynn made their debut on a tandem recording 29.30. Nick Mc Cullough also rode and finished in 23.24.


Ray Kelly, our chief coach, took our youth team to London and they rode in the Tour of Britain Go Ride event finishing well up in 4th place. Photo attached showing them near the Houses of Parliament.

All for now,

Posted in Hillingdon Cycle Circuit, Road Racing, Time trials, Top 10 Results, Track | Leave a comment

Pre-Register for the Winter Track League at Lee Valley!

10390017_764278993636284_3696747263836965789_nPre-Registration for the winter track league at Lee Valley is now open
If interested you have until the 30th to register interest.


Posted in Track | 3 Comments