The annual Willesden Dinner and Dance will be held on Saturday,19th January 2008. The venue as usual will be the Uxbridge Golf Club, The Drive, Uxbridge, UB10 8AQ.
The set menu is-
Homemade Farmhouse Soup
Chicken in White Wine Sauce garnished with Asparagus,
Selection of vegetables
Strawberry Cheescake
Coffee and Mints
A vegetarian option is also available – full details to be advised
After the prize giving, toasting and general mickey taking there will also be an opportunity to do some bopping.
The tickets are £25 per head, a price that that has been held for many years.
Please contact Glays Purdy on to reserve your place. Please state how many places you would like to and if you require the vegatarian option.
Do cyclists dance?