Willesden CC will be the organising club for the next West London combine time trial on Sunday May 25th.
I’m in need of volunteers to perform marshaling duties on the morning.
Tea, cakes etc will be provided to those of you willing to help out.
The venue is Gt MIssenden and I will nee you there around 7am , ouch ! as the first rider is off at 07.31
I am reliably informed by John Wheatley that the club run that day will then start from Gt Missenden after the conclusion of the race.Remember this is a bank holiday weekend , so you’ll have the Monday to recover 🙂
Thanks in advance
Mick Paddington
Willesden CC TT Sec
apols, will hopefully be riding the Hounslow 100 that morning 🙂
I can help with the marshalling at Great Missenden on May 25
I can, despite the early hour, help out with the mashalling for the time trial on the 25th May. Let me know the exact place to be and I’ll be there.
Alan Radlett