Willesden’s massively popular 400km audax needs help.
LondonWalesLondon is turning out to be a massive success with over 120 registered riders and a waiting list of 35 hopefuls. But the Willesden promoted event needs help at the end of April.
Specifically we need offers of help:
at the start from 0400 on Saturday 29 April morning for 3 hours
checking in riders at the Woodstock control on 29 April from around 0800 until about 1030
checking in riders at the Chepstow control from lunchtime to early evening on 29 April
helping out at Lambourn control from early evening to the small hours on 29/30 April
welcoming weary riders back at Chalfont from midnight until around 1000 on Sunday 30 April.
If you can spare a few hours contact Liam FitzPatrick