Impromptu Club Ride – Sunday 21st May 2023

For the time being the club run organisation has moved to a more informal and ad-hoc basis using the “WCC Club Runs” group on Whatsapp.

If you would like to be added to this group, then please send an email to me at  –

The power of Whatsapp rather plays to my disorganised side. So it was dead easy for me to send out a very late “Club-run” call on Saturday night, to see who was up for a ride the following morning.

So it was that four of us gathered at one of our usual haunts, this time Windsor End in Beaconsfield for a ride over to the Farm Cafe near Wokingham. When we arrived at the cafe, we found it was very busy and we were very politely and apologetically informed that cooked orders would take over 50 minutes. Our food arrived after a couple of rounds of coffee and lots of interesting chatter. Our meals were well prepared and presented, which we enjoyed with the keen appetite developed on the ride and by the wait.

The new nature of club runs organisation makes life a bit more flexible in that we can, within reason, change the destination and route according the preferences of who ever turns up.

“Miles Back”


A small but colourful Willesden gathering


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