Club Fun day 27th July

Just a reminder to all Willesden members the Fun Day and picnic is on the 27th July at Hillingdon circuit. Fun races for all the family, time trial, team races and handicap circuit race. Arrive by 1.30 for a 2pm start.

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Now updated – Club Runs List

Here it is.


We will let you know if it changes.

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V C Baracchi tandem 50 Mile Time TRial

wcc VC167 1

wcc VC167 2Sunday saw the successful pairing of rival two rival Audax clubs – Willesden CC and the VC 167 for a new venture in the depths of Norfolk/Suffolk – a tandem trike 50 mile time trial.

On an unsettled day described by some of the bikies as the hardest 50 they had ever ridden our own Jane Swain teamed up once again with Lindsay Clayton of the VC 167 to see what they could do. After the initial fear of venturing where none had gone before they got to work to set a new best on record figure of 2:32:11 on a difficult day.

The temptation to try again on a better day will have to wait until next year as Lindsay is chasing Audax tandem points for the rest of the season.

Well done girls !!!!

Mark Brooking – our all things with three wheels correspondent


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Tony Willard’s Breast Cancer Ride – This Saturday 22nd June

Tony Willard has been doing great work in organising a clever charity cycling route for Breast Cancer Care. Tony daughter, Samantha, is currently undergoing treatment for this disease.

There are two rides of 50 miles each to choose from (or combine them into one big one of 100miles). The rides are free to enter but please make a donation to Breast Cancer Care. This can be done via –


texting 70070 and entering code EPIC76£XX (where XX is your donation in pounds)

The rides start outside Oakley Junior School (postcode: RG23 7JZ) at 8:30am on Saturday Morning (22nd June). See map below.

Full details of the two routes are here –



Tony Willard's Rides Map
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2013 International Tricycle Challenge

Earlier this month the Tricycle world championships were held in Kent. It was here that Jane Swain scooped two wins to make her a double world champion in the space of one afternoon. Mark Brooking has sent in his report of the day and as well as some news of this weekend’s tricycle racing.

A glorious day in warm sunshine made for a splendid day out.

This years challenge was in the UK. In previous years it has been held in France and Belgium. It has to be said that most of the riders come from the UK as tricycles are a British eccentricity.

The events were based on the Foulmead cycle circuit in Kent.
It is made up of a large circuit of 2.2 miles which can be split into two smaller loops. The first event was a 10 mile individual time trial comprising of 4 ‘n a bit laps and a strong wind from the coast made the uphill finishing straight into a grovel.

Fastest man was Barry Charlton with 23:50.
Next was Ian Finch with 27:09.
Jane Swain was fastest lady 31:08
Mark Brooking a scant 6 seconds up with 31:02.

This was followed by a team relay comprising of riders whose total times were similar. The organiser’s team won by lots. Nuff said.

In the afternoon there was a 45 minutes +2 laps criterium. This used one of the smaller circuits but used elements of a second circuit to provide two right hand bends of almost hairpin status to break up the flow. These were coupled with a chicane on the back straight.

Barry and Jane won their classes. Barry lapped the field.
Jane took a win from Alison Purser in the final sprint for the line. She had a bloodied elbow from a mishap on one of the tighter bends – no sign of it on Youtube (yet). I was 14th – the same placing as in the timetrial so pretty consistent.

Mark Brooking bossing his trike

Mark Brooking bossing his trike

So Jane returned home with two very nice pieces of glassware and is Lady world Tricycle champion. I am sure she will be back to defend it next year.

This weekend Jane will be teaming up with Lindsay Clayton on the tandem trike in a bid to be part of the first ladies crew to complete the distance. Next month she will be teaming up with club member Arabella Maude to have a pop at the Mersey 24 which could be another first. Shout at them when you go by Hippy !

Jane and Arabella try the Longbarrow out for size.

Jane and Arabella try the Longbarrow out for size.

Mark Brooking


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Youth results from the weekend

Kye Lewis was a fine third in the youth omnium at Brighton velodrome on Saturday. On Friday at Welwyn Connor Woodford was second in the 10 lap scratch race and won the 8 lap handicap event despite being put back to scratch this week. Unfortunately Connor crashed at Bournemouth on Saturday and although OK is very sore and will have to take it easy for a few days.

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Evening 10 mile Time Trials during July

There are 4 evening club 10 mile time trials during July. These time trials are hosted by the Middlesex road club and Hillingdon Triathletes.
July 3rd and 10th will be run on the Maidenhead thicket course H10/2 with a 19.45 start time, entry is on the line and you will have to pay that evening to the Middlesex RC which I believe is £3.50. We will also be asking a further £1 for Willesden to contribute to medals. If you are unfamiliar with this route , there is a good map and description here
The other 2 races will be with Hillingdon Tri atheletes on the Gt Missenden course H 10/4 on July 18th and 25th at 19.30. Again sign on is on the line, £3 to Hillingdon and £1 to Willesden.
These events will count towards Willesden TT medals if we get enough entries.
If you have any questions let me know, I’ll take entries now and also reminders nearer the time
Date          Time        Course
July 3rd       19.45       H10/2
July 10th     19.45       H10/2
July 18th     19.30       H10/4
July 25th     19.30       H10/4
Mick Paddington
Willesden CC TT Sec
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Meurig James starts the Race across America

Many of the Willesden CC will recall Meurig James, who moved to America in 2009. His cycling has gone from strength to strength despite a very serious hit and run incident in 2011, which left him with a broken knee cap, a broken ankle, rib fractures and serious internal bleeding.

Today Meurig will be on the start line for the Race Across America, a   3000-mile coast to coast  ultra endurance race across the USA. Here is a short posting from his Facebook page and details of how we can follow his progress –

“Ladies and Gents,

At 12pm (Pacific Standard Time) Tuesday June 11th I’ll begin the most epic bike race – Race Across America. I’m not going to be able go access any of my own Facebook or email etc. But the crew will be keeping on top of Facebook page. Would love to hear any words of encouragement as I make my way east.”


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Great Weekend for the Willesden

On Friday at Welwyn in the youth races Connor Woodford was 2nd in the 10 lap scratch, 2nd in the elimination race, 3rd in the points race and won the 6 lap handicap race. Roger Woodford rode his first races of the year and was 3rd in the senior 10 lap Block handicap  race. On Saturday at Hillingdon Jayne Paine was back on form with a fine second place in the ladies Race. Sunday at Hillingdon  Connor Woodford was second in the Youth Race and won the under 16 category with Kye Lewis coming second in his age group.


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More on Jack Eason

Jack Eason - Arrivee


Here is a great picture of Jack on the front of Audax UK’s Arriveé magazine. Note the baggy shorts, plimsolls and fully integrated bar bag/pipe holder. Jack was a charming man who was admired across Audax, as can be seen by the many tributes to him on the YACF forum.

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Jack Eason

Jack Eason 1Peter Eason who is Jack Eason’s son contacted us with the sad news news that Jack passed away at the end of May. Jack was a grand old character of Audax who continued riding well into his eighties. There are no shortage of Jack Eason stories to be told and I am sure we will be recounting them in his memory.

I’m writing to inform Willesden CC that Jack Eason passed away on Friday 24 th May. Even though he had been suffering from dementia and confined to a care home in Potters Bar for the last 2 years, he spent every Sunday at his daughters home tinkering with his numerous bikes, happily preparing them for a last ride that was never to be. His time with the club was, for him, the happiest of years and as his son who was in constant admiration of what he achieved with you, I can only offer a huge thank you.
Peter Eason

To find out a little more about Jack and his straightforward and modest manner look here

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200km Ditchling Devil – 9th June 2013

Ditchling Devil
Well chaps, it’s the 3rd edition of the Ditchling Devil on Sunday 9th and unbelievably we’re set fair for 20c and sunny skies all week. It would be great to see some Willesden jerseys on riders and/or helpers (and yes, there is such a thing as a free breakfast!). It’s going to be a cracker of a day! (See full details here)
All the best, Paul Stewart
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Hippy’s Sub 4 hour 100 mile TT

Following is Stuart Birnie’s summary of his first sub 4 hour 100. An excellent performance Stuart and thank you for letting me copy your article on to the Willesden Blog.  Miles Back


Whilst "Stuart Birnie Willesden CC" might be a bit fuzzy on the time sheet, his PB is quite clear

Whilst “Stuart Birnie Willesden CC” might be a bit fuzzy on the time sheet, his PB is quite clear

Oof.. 4am alarm in order to get out there in time to start. Everyone I’d spoken to had said the F1/100 was going to be pretty fast so I’d decided to drive out and try for a sub-4hr time and then tack on some training afterwards to keep El Coacho happy. I’m glad I did because it was a nice course and I finally went under the 4hr mark, knocking another 5 minutes of my PB set the previous week. I was pretty close to setting a PB for 50 mile as well with a 1:57:15 split – that will have to wait.

With pre-race faffing I almost didn’t make my start slot, having to go back to the HQ for another pin for my number (thanks to the woman who helped in there – your pinning was lucky!). I ummed and arred about adding more air to my tyres and chose not to with another rider saying “it’s all about the comfort”. I would have to agree with him as I hauled butt over to the start line, arriving just as the starter called out 20 seconds to go for my number! Not quite the smooth warmup I had at the Hounslow. Out of the blocks I rolled, trying to calm my pace down, knowing pacing is crucial.

Once again the faithful Foreigner team were out cheering and replacing my bottles as needed. I’d made some small adjustments to my bike and position before this race and was trying very hard to maintain my aero position. It seemed to be working as I was on pace for a sub-4hr ride from the start. The same thing happened at Hounslow though so I knew not to get too excited as the final hour would be critical. My glasses took a little bit longer to be covered in sweat and salt – presumably due to the 3.5hr earlier start compared to Hounslow – still I found myself throwing them at Scherrit preferring to be able to actually see where I was going.

There were some bad patches during the race but nothing too critical. The key thing was, there was now about an hour to race and still a good chance for a sub-4hr time. Perhaps the difference this race was that I really wanted it – coming close to a goal is a great motivator to actually achieve it and to be honest I was getting tired of 100s and my poor team mates were getting tired of the early starts!

Looking at my power data for the final hour there’s definitely a sharp ramp up in power. Over the course of the whole race it’s lower than Hounslow but the final hour is much stronger. Maybe I could’ve given more, earlier but whatever, now it’s time to put the hurt on. I remember #75 coming past me on the A421 ‘finishing circuit’ so I knew there were faster riders than me but all I wanted was the sub-4hr. This time the finish line was etched into my brain the first time past it. Not long to go now.. what the? Temporary traffic lights in the distance! Argh, they were green and I KNEW they would change to red before I got there. Sure as, the lights changed to red. I was still rolling towards them but had slowed substantially. It was totally clear so I could’ve just busted through them but couldn’t face being DQ’d for it. I was almost on the lights and they changed. GO GO GO! I accelerated away from them and was soon up to the Black Cat RAB where I got some cheers from the team again.
No let up now. I know I’m going to go under 4 hours but how much?
“Just get over this long rise and then there’s a fast downhill. Tuck in and pedal fat boy”
“Rider ahead, lift it, catch them, pass them, go go go”
“RAB is clear, fast through it, short rise, where’s the bloody finish?”
Team yelling at me as I try a bit harder, desperate to spot anything on the roadside that might be the line. There! Final effort and done.

I’m never quite sure what time I do as I stop my computer soon after the finish. Ditch my lid and ride easy back to the HQ.

3:56:09. Sweet.

Thanks to Tim Davies for letting through my late entry. Thanks to Scherrit for enthusiastically helping out once again and big thanks to my poor girlfriend who hates early starts and driving but did both to allow me to race and ride home.

See this and more of Hippy’s cycling blogs on

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West London Combine 50 mile TT June 23rd

The next WLC event is a 50 mile time trial on the Gt Missenden course. If anyone is interested in entering this event, please let me have your entry by 11th June.
I shall send out a reminder nearer the time
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More news from the Weekend

6304_10151800079063054_1045402780_nIt has been a cracking weekend for the Willesden CC.  Hippy (AKA Stuart Bernie) did another PB, this time on the the Icknield 100 and broke the 4 hour barrier with a 3.56.09.

Our youngsters also rode on the track. Kye at Herne Hill finishing 2nd in the National Youth Omnium and Connor at Welwyn on Friday winning the U16’s handicap race and finishing 4th in the Elimination.

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Jane Swain is World Champion

Mark Brooking was there to see Jane Swain of the Willesden CC become a World Champion. I’m sure we will get a fuller report during the week, but I understand she had a brief fall on one of the turns but recovered from it to secure her championship. In the meantime here are Mark’s photos of Jane and her trophy.

2013-06-02 Jane Swaine World Champion 2013-06-02 19.22.25




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Jane Swain bags a PB on her Trike

Mark Brooking has relayed on the information that Jane Swain has gained a PB riding her trike on the TA Bruce Kingsford 50 last weekend. Mark believes this must also be a best club performance for ladies solo trike.

Jane is also planning to ride a 50 later this month aboard an all-female tandem trike. However this Sunday she will be concentrating on the Tricycle World Championships being held in Kent. So come the prize presentation at 4:30pm  Sunday evening, the Willesden could have a World Champion! Good luck Jane!!

Following are a few pictures of Jane in the process of gaining her PB.

Jane_at_Ternhill_3 Jane_at_Ternhill_4 (1) Jane_at_Ternhill_copy




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Latest race report up for May 26th WLC Time Trial

Here’s the link folks to the report

Thanks to all the Willesden volunteers who helped to , marshal, push off riders, time, make tea, sell cakes  and organise this event.


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2013 Hounslow & District Wheelers 100 – 100mi TT on the A31

Hippy bags a 4:01:07 in his latest 100 miles TT,  knocking a mere 17 minutes off his PB. Here is a copy of a posting on his blog ( )

2013 Hounslow & District Wheelers 100 – 100mi TT on the A31

A whole 17 minutes knocked off my 100 mile TT PB and about bloody time too! Still not quite under 4 hours for this distance but given this ride I know it’s doable.
I was the second last rider off, just before last year’s winner Adam Topham (he did a 3:37 last year!) so I was expecting to be caught quickly and Tops didn’t disappoint, riding past me yelling encouragement after only 10 minutes. Thanks for the yell, Tops. He was the eventual winner, riding a 3:41, on a borrowed bike after an accident on his own some weeks earlier!

After last week’s Norfolk 100 where I missed second place by 1 second to Westerley’s Andy Halliday, this race was going to be an interesting grudge match. Andy was off just 2 minutes before me! I wasn’t going to worry about it though as all I had to deal with was pacing and ensuring nothing hurt too much like last year’s glute problem. I think it was 45 minutes in and I caught Andy. We high-fived which was a nice tough and then I carried on, keeping a sharp eye on my power meter to ensure I didn’t blow up and crumble like I did in the Norfolk 100.

I was baulked a few times at the top roundabout – once by some bikers and another time by a stream of cars. Coming to a track-stand mid-race sucks! I tried not to let it phase me as every time I get angry my pacing goes out the window. I was on track for a sub-4hr ride each time I checked my computer so was happy with my pace but I wanted to lift it on the final headwind leg, knowing I’d be all out for the final tailwind leg. The roar from Scherrit and Mal from the other side of the road raised a smile on my dial which was a cool lift. But..

The 100 is still cursed. I knew this as I eeked out the last of my energy and rolled past the finish line. “Why?” You ask. Well, I’d already sat up when someone sitting behind their car said “finished”… only it wasn’t the finish line. I had sprinted for the wrong ‘guy behind a car’ and it wasn’t until I soft-pedalled past the chequered board I realised what I’d done. Angry? Much? I was so freakin’ angry with myself!

Never stop until you see the REAL FINISH LINE!

Anyway after ranting about the brain fail on my part to my team I calmed down a bit and was pretty happy with my new PB. It was roughly where it should be, given my 25 and 50 mile times. Knowing how ‘easy’ most of this race felt to me, relative to the horrible Norfolk ride, at least, it seems pretty clear that on a good day I should be able to do a sub-4hr. So I think I might put the 100s away for a while and focus on 24hr training again.. oh wait.. I’ve entered the Icknield 100 next week. 🙂

Thanks again to Mal and Scherrit for the cheering and flawless handups.

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Youth Riders get some great results

Some great results from our Youth Riders last week

Monday 13th at Reading a win for Kye Lewis in the under 10 sprint.

Friday 17th at Welwyn a win for Connor Woodford in the 6 lap under 16’s handicap.

Saturday 18th National Omnium series at Welwyn. Kye Lewis wins the 200m time trial, the sprint and the scratch race and finished 2nd overall in his age catergory.

Saturday 18th National omnium series at Reading. Kirsten Savage wins the 2 lap time trial and finished 4th  overall in her age catergory. Connor Woodford finishes 11th out of 27 in the under 16’s boys catergory.

Monday 20th at Reading Connor Woodford wins under 16’s 10 lap scratch race.


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