Here is the list of trophy winners for 2015 as I and other officers see it. If there are any objections or if any unclaimed trophies can be claimed please contact me with details at, or telephone: 01494 862 372 asap as medals will be ordered soon. Thanks, Jim Mears WCC Trophy Secretary.
Men’s RR champion: Alex Pierce 29 points
Ladies’ RR champion: Jayne Paine 37 points
Vets RR champion: Jayne Paine
Junior RR Champion: Connor Woodford 8 points
Schoolboy RR champion: Josh Copley 15 points
Schoolgirl RR champion: none claimed, none found
Men’s track champion: Connor Woodford
Ladies track champion: Jayne Paine
Junior track champion: Darryl Lusardi
Schoolgirl track champion: Lucie Woodford
Schoolboy track champion: Josh Copley
Time Trial
Ladies TT champion: Gill Reynolds 22.965 mph avg.
Erica Spring 10 mile tt trophy: Gill Reynolds: 24:48
Men’s TT champion: Stuart Birnie: 25.289 mph avg.
Nick Tidmarsh 10 mile cup: Stuart Birnie: 20:53
Dunning Cup 25 mile TT: Stuart Birnie: 55:12
Alf Peyton 50 mileTT cup: Stuart Birnie: 01:51:09
Palmer Trophy 100 mile TT: Stuart Birnie: 03:52:24
Vets TT champion: Gill Reynolds
Junior TT champion: no claims, none found
School person 10 TT: Josh Copley: 21:46 (new record)
Hcp 25 (jim Revill): no winner
Novice 25 (Jackson cup): no winner
Tandem TT champions (Reg Yates); Mark Brooking/Jane Moore: 12 Hr-206.95 miles/24Hr-347.95miles. Avg speed over both- 15.872 mph.
Men’s audax champion: Martin Lucas 145 points
Ladies audax champion: Jane Moore 34 points
John (Rocco) Richardson Audax merit: awarded at AGM
School person audax champion: no claims, none found
Audax Tandem (S. Grison) : Mark Brooking/Jane Moore 32 Points
Other Trophies
Jack Eason International trophy: Martin Lucas: For riding the Eiger Sanction and the Manch to Med, 200K/day over 2 weeks in September
WCC stayers trophy: Stuart Birnie: 12Hr-278.60 miles and 24Hr-504.11 miles-TTs
NYGL sportive cup: no claims
Marshalling trophy: The Purdies
Mug of the Year: no nominations as yet
Sash of Honour: awarded at the AGM
Hill climb champion: James Edwards: 2 min 32 sec
Champion tout terraine (off road): Rich Cooper
Freewheeling contest: On AGM day
Friathon: On AGM day