Wednesday Training rides start tomorrow night

Our wednesday evening rides are going to start this week with the Cycle Right gang. Bring lights, meet outside Cycle Right (89 Joel Street) in Northwood Hills at 6pm!

Chris Kelly


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Monthly Club Meeting Friday 1 April

The club monthly meeting will commence at 8.00 p.m in the Club House of Hillingdon Cycle Circuit, Minet Park on Friday 1 April.   Club officers who are unable to attend please send me your apologies and a report if you have one.  

Plus, Friday night training returns starting at 5.30 p.m. onwards led by Ray Kelly.

See you there – Wendy Mears  

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Fun Day 2016

The Willesden Fun day this year is on Sunday 3rd July at Hillingdon Circuit. Arrive at 1.30 for a 2.00 start races for all the family and bring along a picnic.

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April 10th WLC 25 Mile time trial – Now open for entries


I am now taking entries from Willesden members for the above Time trial event.This will be held on the usual Amersham Road course A413, with the HQ at Gt Missenden. Please let me know if you wish to enter along with your PB for a 25.


Mick Paddington. Willesden CC TT Sec

Posted in Time trials | 2 Comments

Records all round!


Jayne Paine was one of the 40 riders (which included James Cracknall) who rode at Stratford on Friday night raising money for Sports Relief and managed to establish a new Guiness Book of records by indivually riding 1km of the track in an hour.
On Saturday she rode her first circuit race at the Milton Keynes Bowl. Finishing in 7th place.

Stuart Birnie rode in the Maidenhead and District 15 mile time trial to set up a club record at the distance recording 35.43″
Happy Easter,


Posted in Charity Rides, Events, Road Racing, Time trials, Top 10 Results, Track | Leave a comment

Friday Night Training is coming back!

Once the clocks change Friday training is back at 5:30pm! Ray Kelly will be once again be running training sessions at Hillingdon Circuit. The first session will be April 1st, no joke.

Everyone is welcome to join in.

Adults £3 – Youths £1
Refreshments Available

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Track Racing: Reading and Welwyn 2016 Registration

Reading and Welwyn track leagues have published programme and registration details. If you are thinking about getting into track racing now is a great time to start. Welwyn is running some open training sessions in April and Reading are doing now on a Thursday night.



Welwyn Track League

Fridays 29 April – 16 September
Registration Fee: £10 (Senior/Junior) £5 (Youth)
Entry:  Cash at sign on – £10 (Senior/Junior) £5 (Youth)
Location: Gosling Sports Park

more information

Screen Shot 2016-03-14 at 14.49.38Reading Track League

Mondays 18 April – 26 September
Registration Fee: £15 (Senior) £10 (Junior) £5 (Youth)
Entry: Online only £9 (Senior/Junior) £4 (Youth) + £1 processing fee
No entry on the day
Location: Palmer Park Stadium

more information

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March 20th WLC 25 Mile TT open for entries


I am now taking entries from Willesden members for the above Time trial event. Please let me know if you wish to enter along with your PB for a 25.


Mick Paddington. Willesden CC TT Sec

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Now in Stock: Long Sleeve Skin Suits

Due to popular demand long sleeved skin suits are now in stock, sized medium or small.
Ray has a few or come down to Pro Music and grab one from me. (and any other kit you need) £80 each. I can also bring some to the track day on Saturday.

Feature a very comfortable chamois and internal radio pocket on the back.
External flat lock stitching throughout.

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Racing and Injury News from Gladys

First the racing news. Alex Pierce, who is now studying at Manchester University, rode in the Lancaster University CC Spring Criteriums and took 7th place in Round One on the Salt Ayre circuit event.

Here is what Alex had to report:

Opened my season up last weekend with a rather chilly e123 crit at the Salt Ayre circuit in Lancaster. There was a fairly strong looking field with Pedal Heaven and Catford riders represented. A group of 3 riders (including someone from pedal heaven) got away towards the end and I put in a big effort to bridge across to them, only for us to be reeled back in by the bunch with 3 laps to go. The group splintered in the last lap as the pace went up and I picked up 7th in the sprint that followed. First 3 points in the bag, a relative shock given the lack of training I have done!
This weekend I have a National B level crit on the same circuit and following that the BUCS Uni Track Champs on the 12th and 13th, so a busy few weeks!
p.s. I’m wearing Uni kit up north but I’m still first claim so all the points are going towards the Willesden

Elsewhere Tony Woodford was in a crash and broke his femur and Rich Cooper (below) fell in Black Park and has a spiral fracture of the fibula. Welcome to safe cycling!


Posted in Road Racing, Top 10 Results | 2 Comments

Letter from ex. Willesden member

Just before Christmas Gladys Purdy received a parcel containing womens’ cycling clothing and along with a very pleasant letter from Claire Beckwith who was a member of our cycling club some years ago.


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Club Meeting and training session on Friday 4 March

There will be a training session on Friday 4 March starting at 5.30 p.m. for those who want to cycle on the track with bright lights and the Turbo session starts at 7.00 p.m. 

The monthly meeting will follow at 8.00 p.m in the Club House of Hillingdon Cycle Circuit, Minet Park.  Club officers who are unable to attend then please send me a report if you have one.  Many thanks.  Wendy Mears  


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Reminder – Willesden’s Reliability Ride – Sunday 21 February 2016

REMINDER  – The  Willesden’s reliability ride takes place on Sunday 21 February 2016.  For further information, please follow the link below.  CAKE DONATIONS will be gratefully accepted towards the feeding of the hungry cyclists on their return.


UPDATED: Willesden Reliability trial 2016

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Life Membership

The following proposal was voted in at the AGM in December and it was unanimously carried to amend the first sentence of rule 1.12
Current wording : “A member after attaining 21 years continuous membership shall be entitled to free life membership”
Proposed amendment to 1.12 : “A member after attaining 21 years continuous membership from the age of 18 shall be entitled to free life membership”

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Overdue Subscriptions

Subs are now overdue and a penalty of £2 should be added when making payment.

It would much be appreciated if you could let us know if you will not be rejoining the club via the following email address:

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VTTA National Tandem Championship

Last weekend Mark Brooking and Jane Moore were invited to the VTTA AGM to collect their National Tandem Championship gold medals from Rachel Elliott.

This was preceeded by a buffet and a natter. Must remember to wear a club jersey next time !!

The long barrow strikes again….DSCF4002[1] DSCF4001[1]

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Club Monthly Meeting and Training Session this Friday 5 February 2016

There will be a training session on Friday 5 February starting at 5.30 p.m. for those who want to cycle on the track with bright lights and the Turbo session starts at 7.00 p.m. 

The monthly meeting will follow at 8.00 p.m in the Club House of Hillingdon Cycle Circuit, Minet Park.  The meeting only lasts for an hour so it would be good to see some younger club members joining the old ones.   


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Meeting old friends

01-Ken H 29-1-16 (2)

02-Ken H 29-1-16 (18)

03-Ken H 29-1-16 (19)

04-Ken H 29-1-16 (20)

05-Ken H 29-1-16 (21)

06-Ken H 29-1-16 (22)

07-Ken H 29-1-16 (24)

08-Ken H 29-1-16 (25)

09-Ken H 29-1-16 (35)

10-Ken H 29-1-16 (36)

11-Ken H 29-1-16 (37)

12-Ken H 29-1-16 (38)

13-Ken H 29-1-16 (39)

14-Ken H 29-1-16 (40)

15-Ken H 29-1-16 (41)

16-Ken H 29-1-16 (42)

17-Ken H 29-1-16 (43)

18-Ken H 29-1-16 (59)

19-Ken H 29-1-16 (61)

20-Ken H 29-1-16 (63)

21-Ken H 29-1-16An afternoon with Ken Howard RA.who was a member of the Willesden over 60years ago.Here are a few photos of Old timers and members looking at some of Kens work

Posted in Events, Social | 6 Comments

Annual Dinner photos 2016

Here are some photos kindly taken by Gerry McManus during the evening. Great shots, thanks so much Gerry!


WCCP_2016Dinner_P01 WCCP_2016Dinner_P02 WCCP_2016Dinner_P03 WCCP_2016Dinner_P04 WCCP_2016Dinner_P05 WCCP_2016Dinner_P06 WCCP_2016Dinner_P07 WCCP_2016Dinner_P08
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VTTA Winners



3-P1010029Gill Reynolds and Brian Moon Won 1st Team award for 10 miles

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