Quarterly Club Meeting

Our quarterly club general meeting has been changed to Friday 9 June.    It starts at 8.00 p.m. after Ray’s training session.

I would appreciate receiving any reports from officers unable to attend.



Time Trial Secretary

Trophy Secretary

Social Secretary

Looking forward to receiving positive responses for the above positions.

Wendy Mears



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Willesden WLC 50 Mile time trial – Marshals and helpers needed June 18th

We are the organising club for the West London combine 50 mile time trial on June 18th. Once again I am asking for volunteers to help with Marshalling and the start and finish, lastly someone in the hall to make a note of finish times.
Mrs Mick is manning the kitchen. So at least I have one volunteer
First rider is off at 07.30 and being a 50 mile TT last rider last year was finished at around 10.30
Thanks in advance
Mick Paddington Willesden TT Sec
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The Willesden are in need of new officers for 2018:

Treasurer  – Gladys Purdy has done this job tirelessly for as long as I can remember and she would now like someone to step forward and takeover this role

Time Trial Secretary  – Mick Paddington has done a fantastic job but due to personal reasons has to give up this role.

Trophy Secretary  –  Jim Mears has diligently carried out this role but age is catching up on him and like Gladys feels that someone younger should step up to the plate.

Social Secretary – Charlotte Zittel did a fabulous job organising our annual awards dinner, introducing pub runs, kayaking, and many other enjoyable activities.  The role has been empty for a number of years so it would be great for someone to come forward even if it is just to organise our Annual Awards Dinner for next year.

Please let me know me of your interest.  I look forward to receiving a bumper amount of replies.

Wendy Mears

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Club Runs update

A change to the club runs list for Sunday May 14th.  As the club will be running two Audax events from Boulters Lock on this date, the club run to Quainton will be postponed.

Details of the Audax rides are shown in a previous entry.image21

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Jane Moore’s Trike PB!

Two days after riding her trike on windswept, exposed Lincolnshire 25 Time Trial courses, Jane Moore lined up on Monday 1 May as the sole woman in a field of 16 trike riders. The event was on the V718 for the Mike Dixie 10 mile handicap time trial. It was a day awaited with some anticipation as a new arrival on the trike scene had announced he would take comp record. Well, he – Adam Duggleby- obliterated it by 1m 21sec it posting 19:30.

Meanwhile, after worrying about wind, wheels, a reluctant computer and, as usual, pretty much everything, Jane pulled herself together and just rode arriving at the finish HQ rather surprised to find she’d done a PB (28:25), broken her own club record and beaten Christine Minto’s 15 year-old course record for women’s solo trike.

More surprise followed when she was led, disbelieving, to the results board and shown she’d also won the event which is won on handicap time – by 5 seconds. Apparently it’s a very nice trophy, made all the more special as the last woman to win it was Christine Minto (in 1999) who timed Jane into John o Groats on her End to End record.

Jane Moore

Jane_1[1] Jane_2[1]

Posted in Miscellaneous, Time trials, Tricycle | 2 Comments

West London Combine 25 mile time trial May 21st – Now open for entries


I am taking entries for the above 25 mile time trial. To be held on the Amersham road course H25/4. HQ is the usual place Gt Missenden hall. First rider will be away at 07.31.If you wish to enter please let me have your entry by May 12th along with your personal best time for a 25.


Mick Paddington

Willesden TT Secretary

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Willesden Audax Day!!!

Join the world of Audax riding

Join the world of Audax riding

Anne Mograby is running two Audax rides for us on SUNDAY 14TH MAY 17. Both starting from Jenners Cafe in Maidenhead (See map here)

Many of you will know these rides, as previously organised by Mick Hill and John Tipping and also ran by Ian Oliver in 2015.

You have two rides to choose from –

“10 BRIDGES” – Starts at 9:00am
1 ride – 2 cafes, 1 river, 10 Thames bridges (100km)
It really does show the best of the river Thames. Starting at Jenner’s cafe there are a few ups to Marlow, then to Hambleden, Henley and Sonning. The ride goes through some pretty villages before half way stop at Dinton Pastures. The second half of the ride takes towards Ascot and through the Great Park. On the home strait back to Maidenhead you visit Datchet, Eton and the Fat Duck in Bray.

“KAF TO KAF” – Start time 10:00am
1 ride – 2 cafes (62km)
If you fancy doing something a bit shorter then the 62km Kaf to Kaf is for you. Starting at Jenner’s cafe there is one climb up to Pinkneys Green. The ride goes through some pretty villages before half way stop at Dinton Pastures. The second half of the ride takes towards Ascot and back to Maidenhead via Fifield and Bray.

Anne is happy to take entries on the line. It is an excellent value for money day at only £4 per person (for Audax/ CTC members). There is a small extra insurance charge for non-Audax/CTC riders wishing to take part.

Thanks and Anne hopes to see you all there.


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Club runs April – June 2017

The club runs list IS HERE

Let the rejoicing commence.

WCC-Club-Runs-Apr-Jun 2017club


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Tim’s funeral will take place at 11.15 am on 4 April 2017 in The East Chapel, Croydon Crematorium.

There are two entrance addresses to the Crematorium, either one will take you to the large car park close to the Chapel.  They are :-

            Mitcham Road, Croydon CRO 3AA (Post code for SatNav)

            Thornton Road, Croydon CR7 6BB (Post code for SatNav)

No flowers please but Donations in memory of Tim can be made to the British Heart Foundation if you so wish.  Cheques with Tim’s name on the back made payable to the Charity or cash may be left in the collection plate under the direction of the Funeral Directors, J B Shakespeare, as you leave the Chapel.   Alternatively cheques may be sent c/o J B Shakespeare Ltd, 67 George Street, Croydon CR0 1LD payable to the Charity.

After the service you are warmly invited for refreshments in St John’s Church Hall, Upper Selsdon Road, South Croydon, CR2 8DD.   There is a large car park at the rear of the church and street parking nearby.



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Tim Wainwright’s Funeral

Tim WainwrightTim’s funeral will be held at 11:15am on Tuesday 4th April 2017.

Update 18th March 2017

Tim’s funeral will be held at the East Chapel, Croydon Crematorium. There are two entrance addresses to the Crematorium, either one will take you to the large car park close to the Chapel. They are –

            Mitcham Road, Croydon CRO 3AA (Post code for SatNav)

            Thornton Road, Croydon CR7 6BB (Post code for SatNav)

No flowers please but Donations in memory of Tim can be made to the British Heart Foundation if you so wish. Cheques with Tim’s name on the back made payable to the Charity or cash may be left in the collection plate under the direction of the Funeral Directors, J B Shakespeare, as you leave the Chapel. Alternatively cheques may be sent c/o J B Shakespeare Ltd, 67 George Street, Croydon CR0 1LD payable to the Charity.

 John Davies

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West London Combine 25 Mile Time Trial March 19th – Open for entries


I am now taking entries for the above time trial of the season. This is a 25 mile race on March 19th , first rider will be off at 8am.

The course is the Amersham road HQ is Great Missenden memorial hall

Please let me know your personal best for a 25 if you have raced before.


Mick Paddington

Willesden CC TT Sec

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You can now pay for your subs via Direct Debit!

To make your lives easier we have just introduced a direct debit system. This will save you remembering to pay your subs for 2018 and following years, as the money will simply be taken from your account on New Years Day. Cancelling is easy too!

Remember: NO MONEY WILL BE TAKEN until January next year!


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Tim Wainwright

More sad news – Tim Wainwright died in a collision whilst out riding last Wednesday, the 1st.   He had been a member in the Willesden for years and was a keen audax rider taking part in PBP many times wearing our Willesden shirt, and his work with Arrivee was well known.  I was chatting with him at Mike Ellison’s memorial gathering, and thought how well and fit he looked; such a gent with a lovely smiling face.  Our condolences go to Pauline and his family.

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General Club Meeting – Friday 3 March 2017

The Willesden is having its first General Club Meeting of the year this Friday 3 March at Minet Park in the Club House.  It starts at 8.00 p.m. immediately after Ray’s Turbo Session, so let’s make an effort to get to both of these things.  All are welcome.

Wendy Mears

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The Willesden Reliability Ride

103 riders set off and 91 came back. The rider feedback has generally been very positive. This was due to all the help I, the organiser, got. The excellent catering organised by Vyv Baker and Janice Kelly, aided by John Davies, Paul and Sylvene Baxter and Sue Palmer. Ray Kelly and Stuart Birnie manned check-in. Tony Flynn and Wendy and Jim Mears put up the navigation arrows the day before. I take sole responsibility for choosing Jungle Green Camouflage as an arrow colour – it increased ride challenge, but perhaps not in a good way. Finally, a thanks for the help and advice from Ray and Wendy that allowed me to get the ride off the ground quickly.

There were four time bands for riders to attempt ride within and the lists below show who made it. If you were back just in time, but lingered outside HQ for  a while you might not show up.

100Km  3hours 30 Minutes

Roger Fowkes  Reg Stone

100Km  4 Hours 30 Minutes

Chris Abraham   Daniel Bingham   Ian Birch   Will Blackham
Amit Chauhan   Dragos Colbeanu   Chris Denman   Andy Flint
Dave Gayler   Des Gayler   Allen Huish   Mateusz Kolodziej
Agne Kudirkaite   Ross McArthur   Ian Nissenbaum  Jon Nunney
Russell O’Malley   Duncan Radbourne   Thomas Saminaden
Darren Smith   Bill Stringer   Russell Tamplin   Craig Wilkie
Marc Wilmot   Mick Fuller

100Km  5 Hours 30 Minutes

Karrie Archer   Kevin Hurley   Mark Lawrie

50Km 2 Hours 30 Minutes

Verity Allsopp  Dean Ashton   Anne Bennett   Dave Brown
Patrick Bucek   Paul Buckland   Mick Clark   James Edwards
Tania Halban   Marianne Harding   Richard Hutt   Chris Kelly
Justin King   Greg Lawes   Martin Long   Peter Manley
Andrew Mears   James Mears   Graham Pettitt   Gill Reynolds
Elisabeth Sullivan   John Wheatley   Ray Kelly

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West London Combine 10 Mile Time Trial March 5th – Open for entries


I am now taking entries for the first club time trial of the season. This is a 10 mile race on March 5th , first rider will be off at 08.30.
The course is the Maidenhead thicket course H10/2. HQ is at the usual place of Knowl Hill.
Please let me know your personal best for a 10 if you have raced before.
Mick Paddington
Willesden CC TT Sec
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REMINDER – Subs are due

Subs were due by 31 January 2017.

If you would like to rejoin, please send your subs via the following methods:

Direct into the bank:    TSB Harrow, Account no. 00106568, Sort Code 77-70-72                           OR (if you prefer the cheque option), please raise cheque to Willesden Cyling Club and send to:

Liz Creese
39 Bridgewater Road
South Ruislip

Many thanks.


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Willesden Reliability – help please

Help needed!!! The Reliability is next Sunday (19th) and I need assistance on Saturday to put out the arrows and help registering riders on the Sunday – which would still let you ride the 50K. Please respond to WillesdenReliability@Hotmail.com





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Mike the Bike

Mike Ellison on the 100km “Brass Monkey” Audax in 2007, as pictured by Tim Wainwright.

Brass Monkey151

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Reminder – it is Mike Ellison’s Memorial Gathering this Sunday 12th February 2017.

Please let Barbara know if you would like to say a few words as you would be most welcome to do so and if anyone has some of pictures of Mike, please send to me : mears.wendy@btinternet.com



Wendy Mears

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