Olympic Velodrome Booking 2015

I have managed to book the Olympic Velodrome on Saturday 21st February 13.00 to 15.00. As we are limited to a 2 hour slot we can only have 32 riders. I will therefore be asking for names in December of those who wish to attend.  You do need some track experience before attending this session.

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4 Responses to Olympic Velodrome Booking 2015

  1. Derek Hewins says:

    Hi Tony…please count me and Stuart in…we are booked for a taster session at the velodrome ahead of this…looking forward to it!

  2. Hannah Keating says:

    Hit Tony,

    Could you please register me for the Wilsden Olympic Velodrome session on the 21st of February if there are any more places available. Thanks.

  3. Hannah Keating says:


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