Our annual road race is regarded by many as the event that is the jewel in our crown. The “John and Dulcie Walker” Road races, for there are two races, has been continually run for many years with highly impressive trophies awarded to the winners.
For the past few years Chris “Jumbo” James has been running the event with considerable success. However Jumbo feels it is time to hand over the reigns to a younger rider who can harness the full power of internet technologies to organise and advertise this annual event.
All the details for the 2009 road race are just about set and Jumbo will continue with running this. However a new organiser is urgently needed to step forward for the 2010 event. The new person needs to be in post by the end of September 2009 so that they can book the event with British Cycling for 2010.
Jumbo will be on hand to advise and counsel you on all aspects of organising this prestigious event.
So all you internet savvy racers out there please take one step forward.
You can contact Miles Back on –
Twitter (www.twitter.com/miles_back)
email (WillesdenCyclingClub@Yahoo.co.uk)
or just add a comment on to this blog.
Miles Back
02 Sept 09
Hmm, I wonder who could fit this criteria?
I think i might know someone…
I can think of two ideal candidates!