John Tipping

Tony Willard posted this on the club Facebook page.

“It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that my old friend John Tipping passed away on Tuesday.
Details are all a bit vague at the moment, but funeral arrangements will be known later.
RIP my old mate and thanks for all the memories.”


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2 Responses to John Tipping

  1. Vic White says:

    Very sad news; we were with John at Jenners on the preceding Sunday, rapping away for hours, as usual. I promised to meet him later in the year closer to where he lived, so he could get a gentle ride in. It was always a tonic for me , but all good things come to an end; farewell old friend, Vic

  2. Jayne Paine says:

    Oh no! This is very sad news.
    I only knew Tippy through the Willesden RRs. He would show up every year without fail to help, and always with a smile.