We got an email from James Brazier with some interesting photos.
James says “I attach a scan of an old family-photograph which, I believe, was taken around 1900 of Willesden Cycling Club. Judging by the silver cup in the foreground and the three racing cycles in the photo, I would guess that it was a cycle-racing club rather than a cycle-touring club.
The gentleman with his arms crossed in the front row on the left side of the picture is my maternal grandfather, Robert Oldfield who had a butcher’s shop for many years at 80 Willesden High Road until 1935. He was born in 1868 so would have been in his early thirties if my guess of around 1900 is right.”

Possibly Willesden Cycling Club c.1900-1
James also supplied two pictures of a medal:
“I attach two images of a silver medal awarded in 1895 which you might find interesting. I cannot unravel the elaborate monogramme (BBRC?). Unfortunately, there is no known connection between the medal and my grandfather. The winning time for the 10-mile event (under 27 minutes) was around my best for a 10-mile time trial in the late 1950s! All I ever got was a bronze medal consolation prize.
If anyone can add more information about the club photo (such as confirming its date or the event it was taken for) or about the medal send a message to info@willesdencyclingclub.org.uk