Roger and Connor Woodford at Welwyn, Photo courtesy of Dawn Fry
Further to last week’s report. Willesden’s other entry in last week’s triathalon was 14 years old Josh Copley who finished 4th in his age group.
Jane Swain riding in the North Norfolk 100 , trying out a back up trike for the attempt she is to make on the End to End record later this summer, improved on her previous best at the distance by 27minutes 34 seconds.
Ed Packard finished 9th in the Ipwich 10 recording 25.01 gaining valuable points in the Spocco league.
On the track at Welwyn Roger Woodford won the 10 lap scratch race with a long sprint on the last lap. His young nephew, Connor took 3rd place in the Devil from a large field of senior riders.
At Hillingdon on Tuesday in the 4th cats event Darryl Lusardi was 7th, his Dad Tony 17th and Ryan Finestone 19th. Alex Pierce has now gained enough points to be promoted to a 3rd cat rider.
well done all, esp. Jane – I hear conditions in the North Norfolk 100 were a little challenging